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Quali-Pro Twister Insecticide
Quali-Pro Twister is a highly effective insecticide for robust knockdown and residual control of Argentine Stem Weevil, Billbug and African Black B...
Stomp Xtra Herbicide
A selective pre-emergent herbicide for the control of wireweed, annual grasses (including annual ryegrass) and certain broadleafed weeds in various...
Green Cal Gypsum Fairway Grade
Green Cal Gypsum Fairway Grade is a granular gypsum option for application to high cut turf surfaces, and for use in landscape situations.
Green Turf + 5% Mag Greens Grade Gypsum
A greens grade gypsum option with added magnesium for application to fine cut turf surfaces, and for use in landscape situations.
Lexicon Intrinsic Fungicide
Lexicon delivers peak performance under pressure, optimising disease control and providing plants with longer, stronger roots and increased growth....
Maxtima® Fungicide
Maxtima® is a revolutionary, broad spectrum DMI fungicide that can be applied on any turf, at any temperature and anywhere on your course.
Javelin Selective Herbicide
Javelin Selective Herbicide combines the synergies of three active ingredients in combination to give the most effective control on a wide range of...
Thumper Nematicide & Miticide
Thumper is a nematicide & miticide containing the active constituent of 20 g/L abamectin, which acts via contact and ingestion.
FoliMAX MLR-8 Liquid Soil Ameliorant
FoliMAX MLR-8 is a liquid soil conditioner with the perfect blend of soluble Calcium for soil amelioration and plant uptake.
Eraze 510 Biaquatic Herbicide
Eraze 510 is a non selective herbicide containing 510 g/L of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of isopropylamine (IPA) salt.
Xzemplar™ Fungicide
Xzemplar™ is a turf fungicide offering advanced systemic movement of the active ingredient, Fluxapyroxad. Xzemplar combines a quick knockdown and...
Stamina Balance Surfactant
Stamina Balance is a premium greens grade product, designed to maximise water management in sand-based profiles.
Stamina Express Surfactant
Stamina Express is a high quality thatch and soil penetrant surfactant blend, specifically designed to quickly and effectively move water into the ...
Stamina G Granular Surfactant
Stamina G is an easy to spread granular formulation of Stamina 90. It is a non-burn formulation that will relieve problems with hydrophobic soils.<...
Stamina Gyp-Wet Soil Wetter & Conditioner
Stamina Gyp-Wet Soil Wetter & Conditioner is a combination product containing Stamina 90 long term wetting agent on a gypsum carrier.
Stamina Now + Amino Acids Tablet
Stamina Now + Amino Acid tablets are designed to have an immediate effect on water-deficient stressed turf by offering a unique delivery syste...
Stamina Rescue Surfactant
Stamina Rescue is the curative surfactant in the Stamina product range. It has the ability to rapidly re-wet hydrophobic areas.
Dazzle Concentrate Marking Paint 10L
Dazzle is a premium highly concentrated paint, specially formulated for the requirements of professional sports turf applications.
Impact XP Line Marking Paint 10L
Impact XP Line Marking Turf Paint is the most advanced, ready to use, line marking paint available that raises the standard of sports field marking...
FoliMAX NFE Turf Fertiliser
FoliMAX NFE is a unique liquid nitrogen and iron turf fertiliser, with a new generation SRN-IQ technology.
FoliMAX N-Forcer-N Turf Fertiliser
FoliMAX N-Forcer-N is a slow release liquid nitrogen fertiliser containing 85% of nitrogen, in the slowly available forms of Ammonium Stabiliser an...
FoliMAX Bi-Pass Soil and Water Conditioner
FoliMAX Bi-Pass Soil and Water Conditioner counteracts excess bicarbonate and carbonate in recycled/ effluent irrigation water.
FoliMAX Amino+ Growth Promoter
FoliMAX Amino+ is a combination of amino acids derived from enzymatically digested plant protein, Vitamin B1 and plant growth promoters.
FoliMAX Calcium + Fertiliser
FoliMAX Calcium + is a liquid fertiliser solution containing 15% calcium with Nutrex Delivery Technology.
FoliMAX Cal-Mag Fertiliser
FoliMAX Cal-Mag is a liquid sodium fighter containing 13% calcium and 3.4% magnesium in a very soluble nitrate form.
FoliMAX Charger Fertiliser
FoliMAX Charger Turf Fertiliser is specifically formulated to promote rapid lateral turf grass growth as well as enhance colour.
FoliMAX Humic + Biostimulant
FoliMAX Humic+ contains a blend of liquid humic acid and organic catalysts,which increases microbiological activity in the soil.
FoliMAX Iron + Fertiliser
FoliMAX Iron + is a liquid fertiliser solution containing 6% iron with Nutrex Delivery Technology to optimise nutrient uptake.
FoliMAX KelMAX Root Builder
FoliMAX KelMAX derived from Ecklonia maxima seaweed, is a premium quality natural kelp product developed specifically for turfgrass.
Simplex 500 SC Herbicide
Simplex 500 SC is a pre and post-emergent herbicide containing 500 g/L of the active ingredient Simazine. Simplex 500 SC is registered for the...
FoliMAX Kelp+ Seaweed Concentrate
FoliMAX Kelp+ Seaweed Concentrate is formulated to assist with stimulating root development, and promoting overall plant health,
FoliMAX Launcher Fertiliser
FoliMAX Launcher is a liquid nutrition and biostimulant package formulated specifically to fulfil essential plant requirements during the establish...
FoliMAX Magnesium + Fertiliser
FoliMAX Magnesium + is a liquid fertiliser solution containing 5% magnesium and 8% nitrogen with Nutrex Delivery Technology.
FoliMAX Manganese + Fertiliser
FoliMAX Manganese + is a liquid turf fertiliser solution containing 6% manganese with Nutrex Delivery Technology, and 8% nitrogen for optimised pla...
FoliMAX N-Hancer-N Fertiliser
FoliMAX N-Hancer-N is a unique liquid nitrogen turf fertiliser product containing 35% nitrogen to provide you with reliable, robust and effect...
FoliMAX NRG-NK Fertiliser
FoliMAX NRG-NK is a unique liquid, balanced nitrogen and potassium turf fertiliser with added iron for enhanced green up and fertiliser respon...
FoliMAX Vigor-K Fertiliser
FoliMAX Vigor-K Turf Fertiliser is a chloride free, high potassium citrate/carbonate complex formulation, designed for maximum nutrient uptake into...
FoliMAX Turbo Fertiliser
FoliMAX Turbo is a nitrogen and potassium turf fertiliser solution containing nitrogen in unique form of SRN-IQ.
FoliMAX Trace+ Fertiliser
FoliMAX Trace+ Turf Fertiliser is a complete liquid trace element delivering essential micronutrients with Nutrex Delivery Technology.
FoliMAX Phosphite+ Fertiliser
FoliMAX Phosphite+ Turf Fertiliser is a highly concentrated Phosphorus, Potassium liquid fertiliser,
FoliMAX Soil Prima Liquid Conditioner
FoliMAX Soil Prima is a liquid soil conditioner that improves soil aggregation, soil structure and nutrient utilisation in the root zone.
FoliMAX Strength Si Fertiliser
FoliMAX Strength Si is a unique liquid turf fertiliser containing ideal ratios of silica, calcium and potassium.
Acelepryn GR (Granule) Insecticide
Acelepryn GR insecticide provides unmatched, season-long grub and caterpillar control in a single application.
Acelepryn Insecticide
Acelepryn is an insecticide that provides safe and effective control of a wide range of turf-damaging insects while also minimising the impact on t...
3D Herbicide
3D Herbicide is for the control of Mullumbimby Couch and Broadleaf Weeds in Turf as per the Directions for Use
Bronco MA-X Herbicide
BRONCO® MA-X is a selective, post-emergent broadleaf weed herbicide, registered for use on a range of established turfgrass species including Couc...
Bumper 625 EC Fungicide
Bumper 625 EC is a broad spectrum fungicide specifically registered for the control of Spring Dead Spot and Dollar Spot in a range of turf manageme...
Captan 800 WG Fungicide
Captan 800 WG controls a broad spectrum of diseases in turf, ornamentals as well as a range of crops including apples, almonds, grapes, pears, pist...
Quali-Pro Compass Fungicide
Compass Fungicide is a premium, unique, multi-site contact, protectant fungicide, the only registered fungicide for turf in FRAC group 29.
Cutlass® M Herbicide
Cutlass® M is a selective systemic herbicide containing dicamba and MCPA. Controls annual and perennial broadleaved weeds...
Encase Anti-Transpirant
Encase is a water emulsifiable polymer concentrate for use on plants to reduce water transpiration and protection from climatic extremes.
Magellan 800WG Fungicide
Magellan Fungicide is a targeted oomycete fungicide for the prevention and control of Phytophthora rots in ornamentals and Pythium in turf as speci...
Marvel 175EC Plant Growth Regulator
Marvel 175EC is a unique plant growth regulator containing a longer chain fatty acid adjuvant than the regular EC formulations to enhance uptake,
Patriot Fungicide
Patriot Fungicide is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 100 g/L of the active ingredient Trifloxystrobin and 200 g/L Tebuconazole.
Quali-Pro Crest Herbicide
QualiPro Crest is a powerful systemic, multi‐active broadleaf herbicide with excellent turf safety characteristics.
Quali-Pro Enclave Fungicide
Quali-Pro Enclave is registered for the broad spectrum, eradicant, curative and preventative control of Brown Patch, Fusarium Patch, Anthracnose, D...
Quali-Pro Evolution Fungicide
Evolution Fungicide is a premium, fungicide mixture containing 120 g/L of the active ingredient Azoxystrobin and 200 g/L Tebuconazole.
iGO Deluxe Spray Hand Lance Attachment
The iGO Spray Lance Attachment has a long reach and is the perfect choice for painting numbers and logos on grass over stencils. It is suitable for...
Quali-Pro Foursome Turf Pigment
Quali-Pro Foursome is a concentrated copper phthalocyanine based pigment that contains an in-built adjuvant package within the formulation.
Quali-Pro Marvel Ultra Plant Growth Regulator
Marvel Ultra Plant Growth Regulator is a micro-emulsion formulation possessing a patented, unique emulsifier which enhances product stability, impr...
Quali-Pro Negate Herbicide
Quali-Pro Negate is a unique dual powered post-emergent for grassy and broadleaf weed control in established warm season turf grass.
Quali-Pro Prophesy Miticide
Quali-Pro Prophesy miticide for control of Couch Mite in Turf and Two‐spotted mite in ornamentals. Prophesy is a contact miticide containing 500 ...
Quali-Pro® Nutmeg™ Herbicide
Quali-Pro® Nutmeg™ is a versatile herbicide that controls Nutgrass, Mullumbimby Couch and a range of broadleaf weeds in established cool and war...
Agador Turf Nematicide and Miticide
Agador Turf Nematicide and Miticide is a unique formulation of the active constituent 20% Abamectin. It is highly effective in the control of ...
Banner Maxx Fungicide
Banner Maxx is early curative treatment, providing systemic broad-spectrum control of Dollar Spot, Winter Fusarium, and the ERI complex (Couchgrass...
Barricade Turf Herbicide
Barricade is a pre-emergent herbicide offering extended residual activity on Winter Grass, Summer Grass, Crowsfoot on a range of turf surfaces.
Casper Turf Herbicide
Casper is a selective post-emergent herbicide specifically formulated for use on turf for the effective control of broad leaf weeds.
Daconil Weatherstik® Turf Fungicide
Daconil Weather Stik is a contact fungicide that can be used in preventative programs. It can be used as an early curative after the first signs of...
Headway Maxx Fungicide
Headway Maxx combines the strength, longevity and broad spectrum of Heritage Maxx with the speed and early curative action of Banner Maxx in an unb...
Heritage Maxx Fungicide
Heritage Maxx combines systemic activity through xylem mobility, and translaminar movement to encourage multi-site uptake...
Higran Turf Miticide
Higran is a preventative or early curative miticide, treating nymph and adult couch grass mites.
Instrata Turf Fungicide
Instrata is an excellent choice for use in a preventative program or curatively after first symptoms are evident.
Medallion Turf Fungicide
Medallion Turf Fungicide offers contact plus – exceptional spore busting capabilities on the leaf, in the thatch, and on the soil surface.
Monument Herbicide
Monument Herbicide provides post emergent control of Winter Grass, Ryegrass, Bindii, Clover, Mullumbimby Couch, Burr Medic and Nutgrass and suppres...
Pennmag Herbicide
Pennmag Turf Herbicide delivers effective control of various broadleaf weeds and grasses through an optimised formulation (S-metolachlor).
Posterity Turf Fungicide
Posterity delivers exceptional Dollar Spot control and is a great option to add to your tank mix to deal with this difficult-to-control disease.
iGO Greenkeepers Spray Boom
This is an easy to attach accessory that enables green keepers and grounds people to convert the iGO machines from line markers into fertilizer spr...
Primo 250 EC Turf Growth Regulator
Primo 250 EC is used for the reduction of leaf and stem growth of grass species, as an aid in turf and Wintergrass management
Provaunt Insecticide
Provaunt targets and destroys the lifecycle of Argentine Stem Weevils (ASW). It targets and destroys both adult and larvae (only APVMA registration...
Reglone Herbicide 20L
Reglone is a non selective contact herbicide and is a fast-acting non-volatile, aqueous solution providing unrivalled speed of kill in the destruct...
Ryder® Turf Pigment
Ryder® Turf Pigment is a green pigment for use on managed turf to improve its appearance and to help protect against UV radiation and excessive li...
Spinner Insecticide
Spinner turf insecticide is a highly systemic insecticide providing rapid control of insect larvae and including Stem Weevil.
Subdue Maxx Fungicide
Subdue Maxx is a systemic and residual fungicide providing up to 21 days control, making it ideal for the control of Pythium Root and Crown Rot in ...
Velista Turf Fungicide
Velista is a powerful broad spectrum fungicide that can be used all year round and can be trusted to keep your turf in excellent condition especial...
Banol Fungicide
Banol Systemic Fungicide is one of the most reliable and proven fungicides for Pythium control.
Dedicate Forte Stressgard Fungicide
Dedicate FORTE Stressgard® is a broad-spectrum DMI fungicide containing tebuconazole (240 g/L) with Stressgard Formulation Technology, and control...
Dedicate Turf and Ornamental Fungicide
Dedicate turf fungicide contains two active ingredients with two different modes of action, providing curative and preventative control. It has a c...
Destiny Herbicide
Destiny® is a selective turf herbicide that offers selective grass and broadleaf weed control.
Esplanade Herbicide
Esplanade Herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide that offers long-lasting control of over 30 species of annual grass and broadleaf weeds and sedges ...
Exteris Stressgard Fungicide
Exteris Stressgard Fungicide provides outstanding broad-spectrum disease control, turf quality and application flexibility. Contains a unique SDHI ...
Indemnify Turf Nematicide
Indemnify is a next-generation nematicide that controls key plant parasitic nematodes in turfgrass. It improves root growth and overall turfgrass h...
Initiator Systemic Plant Insecticide
Initiator Systemic Plant Insecticide plus Fertiliser from Bayer. Initiator tablets provide enhanced growth and long-lasting protection against the ...
Interface Stressgard Fungicide
Interface with Stressgard Formulation Technology offers the new standard in turf protection and is Bayer’s most powerful turf fungicide to-date. ...
Reserve Stressgard Fungicide
Reserve Stressgard turf fungicide is a contact and protectant fungicide for the control of fungal diseases in turf.
Ronstar Herbicide
Ronstar is a selective, granular, pre-emergent herbicide that controls certain weeds in woody ornamental shrubs and trees in nurseries.
Signature Xtra Stressgard Fungicide
Signature Xtra Stressgard is a true systemic fungicide that controls tough turf diseases – pythium and anthracnose, as well as enhancing turf hea...
Spearhead Herbicide
Spearhead is the industry leading selective herbicide that provides outstanding control of broadleaf weeds in turf.
Specticle Herbicide
Specticle is a selective, pre-emergent herbicide that provides residual control of certain grass weeds on established warm-season turf.
Tempo XTRA Insecticide
Tempo XTRA is a unique dual mode of action insecticide designed to control tough pests in Turf and Ornamental situations.
Tetrino Turf Insecticide
Tetrino Turf Insecticide controls insect pets in turf including on golf courses, sports fields, bowling greens, race tracks, recreational lawns and...
Tribute Selective Turf Herbicide
Tribute herbicide is one of the most effective post emergence herbicide available to control cool season grasses and Crowsfoot Grass in Couchgrass....
Stamina Remain Wetting Agent
Stamina Remain is a blend of non-ionic soil surfactants, specifically designed fo...
Black Label All Purpose 19-0-19 Fertiliser
Black Label All Purpose is a premium, controlled release 350SGN sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional...
Black Label Biosmart 23-0-4 + TE Biological Fertiliser
Black Label BioSmart is a premium sports turf biological fertiliser, formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional ...
Black Label Pro All Seasons 24-2-9 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro All Seasons 24-2-9 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-230SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated for use on professional tur...
Black Label Pro Balance 22-0-18 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro Balance 22-0-18 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-230SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia for u...
Black Label Pro Hi-K 14-0-24 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro Hi – K 14-0-24 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-220SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia for ...
Black Label Pro Hi-Performance Fertiliser
Black Label Pro Hi-Performance 34-1-6 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-230SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia...
Black Label Pro Super 30-1-5 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro Super 30-1-5 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-230SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use...
Black Label Pro+ Elite 25-0-13 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro+ Elite 25-0-13 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser, containing upfront and multiple controlled release sources o...
Activator Surfactant
Activator is a low foaming, non-ionic type spreader adjuvant, providing quick wetting and more uniformed distribution. Activator increases retentio...
Black Label Pro+ Extend 30-0-7 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro+ Extend 30-0-7 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser, with upfront and multiple controlled release nitrogen for op...
Black Label Pro+ Strength 22-0-19 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro+ Strength 22-0-19 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser with upfront and multiple controlled release sources of ni...
Black Label Rapid 20-0-16 Fertiliser
Black Label Rapid 20-0-16 is a premium sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.
Black Label Starter 18-10-9 Fertiliser
Black Label Starter 18-10-9 is a premium, controlled release, 350SGN sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on profess...
Black Label Turf King 23-1-10 Fertiliser
Black Label Turf King 23-1-10 is a premium, nitrogen stabilised 250SGN sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on profe...
Black Label Uplift 28-1-8 Fertiliser
Black Label Uplift 28-1-8 is a premium, controlled release sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf...
Arsenal Super Herbicide
Arsenal Super Herbicide is a low-volume knockdown and residual herbicide ideal for long-term grass and broadleaf weed control beside roads and in n...
Drive XL Herbicide
Drive XL post-emergent herbicide, safely and effectively controls White Clover and Summergrass. Drive XL is also registered for suppression of Kiku...
AmendMAX pHantom
A multi-purpose irrigation aide intended as a one-timesystem flush for irrigation systems fouled by mineral deposits caused by hard water, and as a...
Freehand Herbicide
Freehand is a pre-emergent, granular herbicide for the control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. Freehand's unique active inhibits cell growth in seed...
Bow & Arrow Herbicide
Bow & Arrow Herbicide is the standard for broadleaf weed control in the Australian turf industry. The effect of Bow & Arrow Herbicide...
Green Lawnger Turf Paint
Green Lawnger restores the natural green colour to turf during dormant periods. Green Lawnger may also be pre-applied to divot mix sand, giving the...
Barolympic Ultrafine Perennial Ryegrass Turf Seed
Barolympic sets a new standard for fine dense turf that demands tolerance to close-mowing and high wear. It is an ultrafine perennial ryegrass that...
Barorlando Perennial Ryegrass Turf Seed
Barorlando is a new perennial ryegrass designed for sports fields and couch oversowing. This medium-fine leaved perennial ryegrass has excellent li...
Crystal Blue Links Creeping Bentgrass Turf Seed
Crystal Blue Links has a semi-erect growth habit, aggressive recovery and great disease resistance making it an excellent choice for greens. It mai...
Hardtop Fine Fescue Turf Seed
Hardtop hard fescue is fine & dense with good disease resistance, strong heat and drought tolerance with very good herbicide tolerance. I...
Kikuyu Turf Seed
Kikuyu is renowned for its strong rhizome growth and excellent recovery characteristics post mowing, wear or grazing. Kikuyu is a versatile an...
Monaco Bermudagrass Turf Seed
Monaco is a synthetic bermudagrass variety designed for quality and performance. Monaco is excellent for use on golf courses, sports turf, and...
Penn A-1 Creeping Bentgrass Turf Seed
Penn A-1 is a dark green, fine leaf creeping bent grass. It is ideal for a wide range of Australian climates as it has a great tolerance level to h...
Penn A-4 Creeping Bentgrass Turf Seed
Similar to Penn A-1, Penn A-4 is a dark green bent grass with a fine leaf texture and exceptional heat and cold tolerance.
Pinnacle III Ryegrass Turf Seed
Pinnacle III is a perennial ryegrass and an ideal component for premium sports mixes, oversowing couch, and tees.
Premier 3 Ryegrass Turf Seed
Premier 3 Ryegrass is a proven performer for Australian sportsfields and wicket tables. Premier 3 is a versatile grass with an excellent dark green...
Prosper Tall Fescue Turf Seed
Prosper Tall Fescue is a winter active, summer dormant tall fescue that provides unbelievable drought tolerance and persistence.
Pure Distinction Bentgrass Turf Seed
Pure Distinction Bentgrass Turf Seed produces uniquely bright green-coloured turf with dense, upright, and aggressive growth to ensure less thatch ...
Rohan SPR Turf Seed
Rohan Spreading Perennial Ryegrass (SPR) is a unique perennial ryegrass that can spread, repair, and improve track performance.
RPR (Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass) Turf Seed
RPR Turf Seed is characterised by its regenerating ability that separates it from traditional perennial ryegrasses. RPR plants develop pseudo-...
RTF Tall Fescue Turf Seed
RTF (Rhizomatous Tall Fescue) is the most advanced, unique turf tall fescue blend on the market. Turf Saver RTF has the ability to quickly fil...
Sportsfield Perennial Ryegrass Turf Seed
Barenbrug Sportsfield turf ryegrass is a versatile continental grass suited to a wide range of climates, throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Striker Emerald Turf Seed
Striker Emerald Turf Seed contains Premier II and Derby Xtreme ryegrasses with Bargena III red creeping fescue. It has rapid germination, good wear...
Striker Enviro Turf Seed
Striker Enviro Turf Seed is the the latest in low-maintenance fine fescue cultivars, with high drought tolerance. Striker Enviro requires minimal m...
Striker Fine Tee Turf Seed
Striker Fine Tee is an equal blend of Bridgeport II chewings fescue and Bargena III creeping red fescue. Striker Fine Tee is best suited for g...
Striker Gold Turf Seed
Striker Gold is an elite blend of ryegrasses designed specifically for premium sportsfields. It contains three of the best continental varieties–...
Striker Sportsground Turf Seed
Striker Sportsground is a blend of perennial ryegrass designed for sportsfields, parks and gardens where ease of establishment is required.
Striker One Putt Turf Seed
Striker One Putt is a turf seed ryegrass blend of elite poa trivialis designed for use on golf greens.
Striker Regenerator Turf Seed
Striker Regenerator is a ryegrass blend designed for premium sports surfaces for wear tolerance. It has superior wear tolerance and regeneration co...
Striker SOS Turf Seed
Striker SOS (Super Over Seeder) is a unique blend that contains Panterra turf annual ryegrass and leading turf perennial ryegrasses – <...
Striker Top Track Annual Ryegrass Seed
Striker Top Track Annual is a 50/50 blend of two annual ryegrasses, Vortex and Arnie – specifically designed for kikuyu racetrack oversowing.
Striker Trifecta Turf Seed
Striker Trifecta is a perennial ryegrass blend consisting of 4front, Rohan and RPR Barlibro to create the perfect year round partnership.
Striker Van Diemen Turf Seed
Striker Van Diemen is a blend of Barorlando, RPR and Premier 3 specif...
Wintersport Turf Seed
Striker Wintersport is your perfect combination of speed and density for good establishment and wear tolerance during the winter months.
Transcontinental Couch Turf Seed
Transcontinental seeded couch, represents a generation of improved turf quality, colour, and performance over common couches.
AmendMAX Lime Mini Premium Soil Conditioner
AmendMAX Lime Mini is a highly concentrated, water-dispersive lime amendment suitable for use on fine cut turf such as golf and bowling greens.
The Andersons A-Tep Fertiliser and Soil Amender
Andersons A-Tep is a soil nutrient ideal for use on greens, tees and other closely mowed turf. It helps prevent and correct micro and secondary nut...
The Andersons Black Gypsum DG Greens
Andersons Black Gypsum DG Greens is a unique bio-amendment that combines natural dihydrate gypsum and humate, in a homogeneous dispersible granule....
The Andersons Humic DG 100 Greens
Humic DG utilises patented technology to create uniform, spherical dispersing granules that have a low moisture content and are resistant to breaka...
The Andersons Nutri DG 18-1-15 Turf Fertiliser
Andersons Nutri DG 18-1-15 is a premium balanced greens grade slow release fertiliser harnessing Andersons patented DG Technology. Dispersive deliv...
The Andersons Nutri DG Greens Extra K - XSR 13-0-22 Turf Fertiliser
Andersons Nutri DG Greens Extra K – XSR 13-0-22 is a premium high potassium greens grade slow release fertiliser harnessing Andersons patented DG...
The Andersons Nutri DG Greens Turfstarter 12-11-7 Fertiliser
Andersons Nutri DG Greens Turfstarter 12-11-7 is a premium high phosphorous greens grade slow release fertiliser harnessing Andersons patented DG T...
Chipco GT Fungicide
Chipco GT is a broad-spectrum fungicide providing unsurpassed control of brown patch, dollar spot, various leafspots, and a variety of other t...
The Andersons Nutri DG Greens Zero N 0-0-21 Turf Fertiliser
Andersons Nutri DG Greens Zero N 0-0-21 (dispersing granules) for fine cut turf. Use any time a nitrogen application is not desired.
The Andersons Nutri DG Lime
Andersons Nutri DG Lime is a highly dispersible greens grade lime formulation ideal for maintenance application or for use during renovation.
The Andersons Nutri DG Mag Tec 0-0-10
Andersons Nutri DG Mag Tec 0-0-10 supplies potassium and corrects magnesium levels in the soil. Dispersive delivery system ensures nutrients are de...
The Andersons OxaMAX 18-10-9 Herbicide and Fertiliser
OxaMAX contains the active constituent 10g/L Oxadiazon and the added benefits of a fertiliser containing an N:P:K of 18-10-9.
The Andersons OxaPro 15-2-8 Herbicide and Fertiliser
OxaPro is a combination herbicide and premium controlled release fertiliser for the pre-emergent control of wintergrass, summergrass and crabgrass ...
Mayfair Fungicide
Mayfair Fungicide is a Liquid ME (Micro Emulsion) formulation that contains 240 g/L metalaxyl-M, for the control of Pythium in turf.. Mayfair ...
The Andersons Pendi-Pro 22-0-5 Fertiliser and Herbicide
Pendi-Pro is a combination herbicide and premium controlled release fertiliser for the pre-emergent control of wintergrass, summergrass, crabgrass,...
1st Products AERA-vator UA40
With the Universal design, our innovative equipment addresses issues you face everyday in growing and maintaining professional- level turf for your...
1st Products AERA-vator UA80
With the Universal design, our innovative equipment addresses issues you face everyday in growing and maintaining professional- level turf for your...
1st Products AERA-vator UA60
With the Universal design, our innovative equipment addresses issues you face everyday in growing and maintaining professional- level turf for your...
1st Products AERA-vator DO40 Mini Skid Steer
Our 1st Products DO-40: AERA-vator is a versatile soil aerator attachment for your mini-skid steer/compact utility loader and is the perfect tool f...
VERTI-cutter Scarifier GS04
This tried and tested machine has proven to be extremely durable while providing excellent results. It is ideal for anywhere you may need the Grade...
VERTI-cutter CSI Contour Sand Injector
A floating head pedestrian Graden with the ability to inject sand through a gravity feed system. Wider and faster than the GSO4, it is ideal for le...
1st Products AGRI-vator AG72 - 6'
The 1st Products AGRI-vator AG72 helps break apart the soil without doing damage to your turf surface to facilitate seed growth.
1st Products AGRI-vator AG96 - 8'
Facilitates seed growth and helps you get the results you want for your farm. Break apart the soil without doing damage to the surface turf.
1st Products AGRI-vator AG144 - 12'
Facilitates seed growth and helps you get the results you want for your farm. Break apart the soil without doing damage to the surface turf.
1st Products VERTI-Cutter and Scarifier VC60
The VERTI-cutter’s patented swing-hitch allows the unit to turn during operation increasing maneuverability and the belt drive with 12” diamete...
AgriMetal Turbine Blower - Tow Behind TB270
The AgriMetal 270 Turbine blower marks another chapter in AgriMetal’s long history of Turf Care Products. The new turbine is constructe...
AgriMetal Turbine Blower - Tow Behind TB380IC
The AgriMetal TB-380 IC turbine blower is mounted low to release the air stream horizontally at ground level, making it the most powerful turbine o...
AgriMetal Impeller Blower - Tractor Mounted B-35R
The AgriMetal Impeller Blower - Tractor Mounted B-35R is made of a special composite. Its exclusive design increases the airflow CFM by about 25% c...
AgriMetal Fairway Aerator FA-720 TP
AgriMetal FA720 Fairway Aerifier is designed for heavy duty use on your biggest aeration jobs. The 6 foot working width lets you cover up to 50 acr...
Amazone Groundkeeper Hi-Lift Jumbo GHS-2100
The Groundkeeper Hi-Lift Jumbo by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressiv...
Amazone Groundkeeper Smartcut Drive GHS-1800D
The Groundkeeper Smartcut Drive by AMAZONE is a mounted mower trailed with drawbar that offers impressive first-c...
Amazone Groundkeeper Smartcut Drive GHS-2100D
The Amazone Groundkeeper Smartcut Drive by AMAZONE is a mounted mower trailed with drawbar that offers impressive...
Amazone Groundkeeper Hi-Lift GHL-T-1350
The Groundkeeper Hi-Lift by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressive firs...
Amazone Groundkeeper Smart Cut Hi-Lift GHL-1500
The Groundkeeper Smart Cut Hi-Lift by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impre...
Amazone Groundkeeper Hi-Lift GHD-1500
The Groundkeeper Hi-Lift by AMAZONE is a mounted mower trailed machine with drawbar that offers impressive first-...
Amazone Super Smartcut GH2100S
The Groundkeeper Super Smartcut by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressi...
Amazone Super Smartcut GH1800S
The Groundkeeper Super Smartcut by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressi...
Amazone Groundkeeper Smartcut GH-1800
The Groundkeeper Smartcut by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressive fir...
Groundsman TMC26 Pedestrian Turf Multi-Cutter 2WD
The Groundsman TMC26 is a Pedestrian Turf Multi-Cutter 2WD is designed for landscapers, contractors and hire shops but it has the cut qua...
AERA-vator Tow Unit UA60T
With the Universal design, our innovative equipment addresses issues you face everyday in growing and maintaining professional- level turf for your...
The Airrow Verticutter is the smallest in the Graden line. It has a front-mounted cutting reel to reach into tight spaces. This, along with the opt...
VERTI-cutter/Scarifier GBS1200
A tractor mounted 48" (1200mm) straight reel Graden sporting 39 blades, this powerful machine is ideal for flat areas including sports fields, cric...
VERTI-cutter/Scarifier SW04
A tractor mounted Graden with three individual floating heads. This machine is ideal for all areas of the golf course and is made to cope with undu...
Primo MAXX II Turf Growth Regulator
Primo Maxx II turf growth regulator is a new generation, new and improved formulation of the active ingredient - trinexapac-ethyl. Primo MAXX ...
Auxinone Growth Stimulant
Auxinone contains plant growth substances in the form of auxins. It also incorporates Thiamine, which is commonly known as Vitamin B1. Auxinone is ...
Amazone Groundkeeper Hi-Lift GHD-1800
The Groundkeeper Hi-Lift by AMAZONE is a mounted mower trailed machine with drawbar that offers impressive first-...
Amazone Groundkeeper Smartcut GH-1350
The Groundkeeper Smartcut by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressive fir...
Amazone Groundkeeper Smartcut GH-1500
The Groundkeeper Smartcut by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressive fir...
Amazone Groundkeeper Hi-Lift GHL-T-1500
The Groundkeeper Hi-Lift by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressive firs...
Armoury Herbicide
Armoury Herbicide is the ideal knockdown and residual control of various annual and perennial weeds in non-crop, commercial, industrial, public ser...
Redexim Multi-Seeder 1600
The Redexim Multi-seeder is an ideal overseeder for working on both fine turf and amenity type areas. The floating twin spike rollers of the M...
Redexim Verti-Rake PRO 300
The Verti-Rake de-compacts the turf surface using thin spring-loaded and flexible tines.
Redexim Verti-Rake PRO 200
The Verti-Rake 200 de-compacts the turf surface using thin spring-loaded and flexible tines.
Amazone Groundkeeper Hi-Lift Jumbo GHS-1500
The Groundkeeper Hi-Lift Jumbo by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressiv...
Amazone Groundkeeper Smartcut Drive GHS-1500D
The Groundkeeper Smartcut Drive by AMAZONE is a mounted mower trailed with drawbar that offers impressive first-c...
Amazone Groundkeeper Hi-Lift Jumbo GHS-1800
The Groundkeeper Hi-Lift Jumbo by AMAZONE is a mounted mower with 3 point linkage that offers impressiv...
Redexim Multi-Vator 1800 Medium
The Redexim Multivator is a unique sportsturf renovation machinery carrying out decompacting and top dressing by recycling buried soil / root zone ...
Redexim Multi-Vator MV210 HD Dual Drive
Decompact, recycle sand to sandy loam and top dress in one pass. Ideal for sports fields, golf courses and contractors.
Redexim Verti-Quake 2510 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Quake® de-compacts the soil profile with powered offset blades. Ideal for sports fields, golf courses, schools and contract...
Redexim Verti-Quake® 2521 Aerator
The Verti-Quake® de-compacts the soil profile with powered offset blades. Ideal for sports fields, golf courses, schools, contractors and turf clu...
AgriMetal Impeller Blower - Tractor Mounted B-50R
The AgriMetal Impeller Blower uses an exclusive design that increases the airflow CFM by about 25% compared to other blowers on the marke...
Aqua Dye Blue Colourant
Aqua Dye Blue is a blue lake colourant, efficient and effective in suppressing the growth of algae and preventing the development of aquatic w...
Big Foot Blue Turf Colourant
Big Foot Blue is a blue turf grass spray pattern indicator which allows accurate and economical application of chemicals. It is a non staining and ...
Big Red Spray Marker Dye & Foam 5L
Big Red Spray Marker Dye is a red marker dye to assist in the identification of sprayed areas. A convenient, economical method of minimising spray ...
Bioweed Organic Herbicide
Bioweed Organic is a new generation in knockdown and pre-emergent weed control. Australian certified organic, NASAA certified organic and APVMA app...
Black Urea
Black Urea is a granulated urea coated in an organic complex of carbon and other biological stimulants that increase the microbial activity around ...
Calcium Nitrate
Calcium Nitrate is a highly soluble form of calcium and nitrogen which is suitable for any fertigation or hydroponic situations where nitrogen and ...
Calrite Soil Calcium Amendment
Calrite is a premium soil calcium amendment uniquely formulated for professional turf. Calrite is produced from the highest purity alluvial calcium...
Chloronil Pro Fungicide
Chloronil Pro Fungicide is a broad spectrum, contact or protectant fungicide for the control of a range of diseases fruit, vegetables and turf. It ...
Columbus Insecticide
Columbus is an excellent translaminar and systemic insecticide. Columbus insecticide has contact, stomach and systemic activity, for the effective ...
Complete Trace Granular Soil Amendment
Complete Trace Granular is a coarse granular trace element blend, ideal for use during renovation. Complete Trace Granular provides essential trace...
Crowbar Herbicide
Crowbar Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide for the effective control of Annual Ryegrass, Common Barbgrass and Wild Oats in Wheat, Linseed, Peas...
Dimension EW Herbicide
Dimension EW Herbicide is unique water based, solvent free, non-staining and low odour formulation. Dimension EW offers outstanding pre and post em...
DithioMAX 19-0-5 Fertiliser Plus Dimension Herbicide
DithioMAX Fertiliser plus Dimension Herbicide is a selective pre-emergent weed control of summer grass and certain other grasses and broadleaf weed...
Double Time Herbicide
Double Time broad spectrum selective herbicide offers reliable control of Clovers and a wide range of broadleaf weeds in most turf situations. Doub...
DSMA Clear Herbicide
DSMA Clear provides effective control of Paspalum, Summer Grass, Mullumbimby Couch and other sedges in Common Couch, Bent and Fescue lawns. DSMA Cl...
Ethic 480 Turfgrass Growth Regulator
Ethic 480 is a plant growth regulator containing 480g/L of the active ingredient Ethephon. It is registered for the control of wintergrass (Poa ann...
Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate
Ferrous Sulphate is a high quality soluble source of iron and sulphur suitable for foliar or fertigation applications.
Fore Rainshield Fungicide
Fore Rainshield is a broad spectrum protectant fungicide containing 480g/L of the active ingredient Mancozeb...
Garlon 600 Herbicide
Garlon 600 herbicide provides post-emergent control of a wide range of woody and noxious weeds using a variety of application techniques.
Grazon Extra Herbicide
Grazon Extra provides control of a wide range of environmental and noxious and herbaceous weeds with the combined formulation containing the three ...
Silverado Moss & Broadleaf Herbicide
Silverado has been specifically formulated to provide the control of moss and broadleaf weeds, in golf and bowling greens and high cut turf si...
GreenSpec Endurance Turf Fertiliser
GreenSpec Endurance is a unique, bioactive homogenous fertiliser developed in the US specifically for use in high quality turf situations. The Gree...
GreenSpec Natural Organic Turf Fertiliser
GreenSpec All Natural Organic is a unique, bioactive homogenous fertiliser developed in the US specifically for use in high quality turf situations...
GreenSpec Seven Iron Turf Fertiliser
GreenSpec Seven Iron is a unique, bio-active, homogeneous fertiliser developed in the US specifically for use in high quality turf situations. The ...
Impala Fungicide
Impala is formulated for broad spectrum control of fungal diseases in turf.
KikStart Organic Garden & Lawn Fertiliser
KikStart provides essential nutrients for plant growth in a natural form that encourages soil health and plant active growth. It is a unique fertil...
Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate
Manganese Sulphate Mono is high quality tech grade soluble source of manganese and sulphur suitable for foliar or fertigation applications.
MAP (Mono Ammonium Phosphate) Tech Grade
MAP Tech Grade (Mono- ammonium phosphate) is a highly soluble product supplying nitrogen and phosphorus. MAP Tech Grade is ideal for use in fertiga...
Meridian Insecticide
Meridian insecticide is a water dispersible granule that provides effective control on a wide variety of insects and grubs, killing through both co...
Nobility Systemic Fungicide
Nobility Systemic Fungicide should be used preventively for the control of Pythium diseases in turf. Nobility Systemic Fungicide is ...
Meteor Herbicide
Meteor Herbicide from Amgrow is a new generation pre-emergent herbicide containing 960 g/L of the active ingredient metolachlor. Meteor Herbicide p...
Metric Herbicide
Metric Herbicide is a unique selective turf grass herbicide containing 400 g/L of the active ingredient Metribuzin.
Monarch Insecticide
Monarch Insecticide is formulated specifically for the control of Argentine Stem Weevil, Funnel Ant & Mole Crickets in Recreational, Domestic a...
Monopoly Herbicide
Monopoly is a post-emergent herbicide registered for the selective control of Crabgrass, Summergrass and Paspalum in turfgrass situations.
Nemo Aquatic Surfactant
Aquatic Surfactant for Addition to Products Approved for Use in Aquatic Situations.
Nominee Herbicide
Nominee is a post-emergent herbicide that will selectively control Winter Grass (Poa annua) and suppress Winter Grass seedheads in Bent Grass golf ...
Nutrafeed Foliar K Fertiliser
Nutrafeed Foliar K 15-0-25 is a premium quality, high potassium blend, ideal for foliar applications or fertigation in all turf situations.
Nutrafeed Solubal Fertiliser
Nutrafeed Solubal is a high quality balanced Nitrogen and Potassium soluble fertiliser blend, ideal for foliar applications or fertigation in all t...
Nutrafeed Trace Element Fertiliser
Nutrafeed Trace Element blend contains all essential trace elements mainly in sulphate form for complete micro nutrient supplementation. Nutrafeed ...
AmendMAX NutriPlus Microbial Fertiliser
AmendMAX NutriPlus is a lignite based organic product with an ideal formulation for increasing cation exchange capacity in sand based profiles. Nut...
Pac-Down Plant Growth Regulator
Pac-Down is a suspension concentrate formulation for spray application under dilution with water for the suppression of Winter Grass (Poa annua...
Patchwork Fungicide
Patchwork is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 250 g/L of the active ingredient Triadimenol. It is specifically registered for the control of D...
Paton 400 Premium Fertiliser
Paton 400 is an upfront NPK blended fertiliser that promotes a surge in growth, suitable for treating large turf areas whilst providing an economic...
Paton 800 Premium Fertiliser
Paton 800 is a balanced NPK fertiliser blend, suitable for use at renovation or in turf establishment providing an economical solution.
Poachek Herbicide
Poachek is for the selective control of annual winter grass in blue couch, common couch, bent, buffalo grass, and brown top turf and lawns.
Potassium Sulphate Soluble
Potassium Sulphate or Sulphate of Potash is a highly soluble source of Potassium and Sulphur ideal for fertigation and hydroponic situations.
Pride Insecticide
Pride insecticide contains the active constituent of 200g/L Imidacloprid. Pride’s systemic action provides control of a range of insect pests in ...
Prolific Blue AN Fertiliser
Prolific Blue AN is a granular compound fertiliser containing a balanced ratio of NPK for maintenance and feeding.
Pronamide Herbicide
Pronamide is a 50% Propyzamide formulation, providing a highly effective pre and post emergent control of Winter Grass.
Pulse Penetrant
Pulse is a non-ionic wetter, spreader and penetrant for use as a spray additive for improved penetration of several agricultural pesticides.
Sedgehammer Herbicide
Sedgehammer is a selective herbicide for the post-emergent control of Nutgrass and Mullumbimby Couch in turf. Sedgehammer is a 750g/kg water disper...
Segway 400SC Fungicide
Segway 400SC fungicide from ISK Biosciences is a revolutionary new fungicide, providing Australian turf managers with a reliable new tool in the fi...
Shiba Fungicide
Shiba fungicide is a liquid suspendable concentrate of Tolclofos methyl 500g/L, and has been specifically registered for the treatment of Brown Pat...
Spray Grade Ammonium Sulphate Herbicide Adjuvant
Spray Grade Ammonium Sulphate Herbicide Adjuvant is used with glyphosate based herbicides to minimise antagonism when tank mixing.
Stamina Relieve Wetting Agent & Soil Conditioner
Stamina Relieve is a soil-amending polymer, specifically developed to assist in improving soil structure, drainage and porosity whilst enhancing wa...
Steer 750 Herbicide
Steer 750 herbicide offers the fastest suppression of kikuyu, with exceptional safety in a wide variety of warm and cool-season species. Autumn is ...
Taser Pro 800 WP Insecticide
TaserPRO 800 WP is a residual broad spectrum non-repellent spray for the control of black beetle and earthworms in various turf situations as direc...
Transact 500 Fungicide
Transact Pro Fungicide
Transact Pro is a premium locally systemic, broad spectrum fungicide containing 250 g/L of active ingredient Iprodione.
Triple Time Herbicide
Triple Time is a three way combination herbicide to provide broad spectrum control of broadleaf weeds. Triple Time’s formulation is effectively f...
Unimaz Herbicide
Unimaz is a long term residual, broad spectrum herbicide ideal for fence lines, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas. Unimaz is ideal for...
Vantage Fungicide
Vantage fungicide is a broad spectrum, systemic fungicide containing 95 g/L of the active constituent Azoxystrobin, a trusted chemistry for Austral...
Vigilant II Herbicide
Vigilant II is an easy-to-use solution, for hard-to-kill woody weeds, wild tobacco tree, rhizomes plants, and herbaceous weeds.
Waldo Miticide
Waldo Miticide contains the active constituent Diafenthiuron which exhibits trans-laminar movement through the leaf and fumigant (vapour) activity ...
Wetter 1000 Wetting and Spreading Agent
Wetter 1000 from Accensi, is a non-ionic wetting and spreading agent formulated to increase spray contact, coverage and penetration of herbicides f...
XTRON 700WG Herbicide
XTRON 700WG Herbicide from Arysta Life Sciences is an innovative new herbicide that is a game changer in the fight against Wintergrass (Poa annua) ...
Greenspec S-K Balance Fertiliser & Soil Amendment
GreenSpec™ S-K Balance™ is a unique, bioactive potassium and calcium soil amendment developed in the US specifically for use in high ...
Trimmit Growth Regulator
TRIMMIT Growth Regulator reduces hedge regrowth by up to 90%, helping you achieve a better looking, more uniform hedge with less maintenance.
Clear Up Bio 360 Herbicide
Clear Up Bio 360 Bi-Aquatic is a non selective herbicide containing 360g/L of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of an ...
Exonerate Herbicide
EXONERATE is formulated as a convenient, easy to handle liquid and can be tank-mixed with other herbicides to assist in the speed of knockdown and ...
Umbrella 905 Spray Adjuvant
Umbrella 905 is a multi-purpose spray adjuvant designed to increase the efficiency of applied pesticides and fertilisers in agricultural and hortic...
Redexim Multi-Seeder 1200
The Redexim Multi-seeder is an ideal overseeder for working on both fine turf and amenity type areas. The floating twin spike rollers follow the co...
Redexim Multi-Seeder 2100
The Redexim Multi-seeder is an ideal overseeder for working on both fine turf and amenity type areas. The floating twin spike rollers follow the co...
Amazone Profihopper Smartcut 4WDi PHS1250-WD
The self-propelled 4WD machine for professional green space maintenance. Amazone offers an extremely reliable, high-performance pr...
Dakota Turf Tender 310 Pedestrian
The Dakota Turf Tender 310 will change the way you work. Dakota has brought the world-class performance and reliability of their 400 series to a ne...
Dakota Turf Tender 410 Topdresser - Honda Powered
Save time and effort with the Turf Tender 410. Available in pull-behind and mounted models, the Turf Tender 410 series from DAKOTA Peat & Equip...
Dakota Turf Tender Topdresser 410-Toro
Save time and effort with the Turf Tender 410. Available in pull-behind and mounted models, the Turf Tender 410 series from DAKOTA Peat & Equip...
Dakota Turf Tender Topdresser 410-John Deere
Save time and effort with the Turf Tender 410. Available in pull-behind and mounted models, the Turf Tender 410 series from DAKOTA Peat & Equip...
Cutlass® 500 Herbicide 10L
Cutlass® 500 selective herbicide controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush species in fallow, grass pastures...
Dakota Turf Tender 412 Topdresser
Get more done faster with the Dakota 412 Turf Tender. This top dresser has all features of the Dakota 410 with an even larger capacity. The 2-yard ...
Dakota Turf Tender 414 Topdresser
Get more done faster with the Dakota 414 Turf Tender. This top dresser has all features of the Dakota 410 with an even larger capacity. The 4-yard ...
Dakota Turf Tender 420 Electric
The DAKOTA Turf Tender 420 has some of the same great features as the 440, and can handle the same size jobs with its medium design to save you tim...
Dakota Turf Tender 440 Topdresser
Make your turf topdressing job easier with the highest quality material handler on the market – the DAKOTA Turf Tender 440.
Dakota Turf Contractor Dump Cart 525
The Turf Contractor 525 from DAKOTA Peat & Equipment is a dump box that’s ideal for grounds and turf management applications. With tires desi...
Dakota Turf Contractor Dump Cart 550
The Turf Contractor Dump Cart 550 from DAKOTA is designed to carry a big load with a light footprint. This heavy-duty unit has a 4-yard, 10,00...
Dakota Turf Brush TB220
The TB 220 Turf Brush is used for several routine maintenance tasks including GROOMING – lifting the long, laid-over grass blades so a mower can ...
Groundsman TMC46 Pedestrian Turf Multi-cutter 4WD
The Groundsman TMC46 Pedestrian Turf Multi-cutter 4WD is right at the leading edge of turf cutting technology and supercedes Groundsman's...
Groundsman TMC48 Pedestrian Turf Multi-cutter 4WD
The Groundsman TMC48 Pedestrian Turf Multi-Cutter 4WD is the same machine as the TMC46 but with a heavier more powerful engine and drive ...
Groundsman 345HD Pedestrian Heavy Duty Turf Aerator
The Groundsman 345HD Pedestrian Heavy Duty Turf Aerator uses the same heavy duty aeration mechanism as the Groundsman tractor mounting ae...
Groundsman 460HD Pedestrian Heavy Duty Turf Aerator
The Groundsman 460HD Pedestrian Heavy Duty Turf Aerator is a wider version of the 345HD, it has four heavy duty crank-arms in the aeratio...
Groundsman 8120CTM Tractor Mounted Turf Aerator
The Groundsman 8120CTM Tractor Mounted Turf Aerator is a simple and compact aerator with a fast and silent aeration mechanism with workin...
Groundsman 12180TM Tractor Mounted Turf Aerator
The Groundsman 12180TM Tractor Mounted Turf Aerator is a simple and compact aerator with a fast and silent aeration mechanism with working dep...
AmendMAX Dolomite Mini Soil Conditioner
AmendMAX Dolomite Mini is a highly concentrated, water-dispersive dolomite soil amendment suitable for use on fine cut turf such as golf and bowlin...
Scott Bonnar Scarifier with Straight TCT Blades
Renovates and rejuvenates greens by thinning dense turf and spongy thatch. Developed to promote healthy turf by preventing thatch build-up. It...
Scott Bonnar Scarifier with Saw Type Blades
Renovates and rejuvenates greens by thinning dense turf and spongy thatch. Developed to promote healthy turf by preventing thatch build-up. It...
Smoothcut Mower 24"
Self propelled petrol mower 24" comes with choice of metal or fibre glass catcher.
Smoothcut Mower 30"
Self propelled petrol mower 30" comes with choice of metal or fibre glass catcher.
Smoothlap Backlapper
Smoothlap Backlapper (OH&S compliant), single phase electric, keeps your mowers razor sharp and 100% efficient between services.
Noculate Complete Fertiliser
Noculate Complete is a biologically boosted greens grade fertiliser designed to address both biological and chemical needs of soil nutrition.
Noculate Liquid Microbial Inoculant
Noculate Liquid contains 24 strains of beneficial soil micro-organisms, humic acid, kelp, essential amino acids, vitamins, biotin,...
Noculate Starter Fertiliser
Noculate Starter, for use either as a starter fertiliser for new turf or as a maintenance fertiliser on greens, tees and other high quality turf ar...
Noculate XN Fertiliser
Noculate XN is a high nitrogen fertiliser designed to provide extra nitrogen when elevated growth is required
Eraze 360 Biaquatic Herbicide
Eraze 360 Bi-Aquatic is a non-selective herbicide containing 360 g/L of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of an isopropylamine (...
Stamina 90 Surfactant
STAMINA 90 is a 100% non-ionic, residual surfactant formulation for long term prevention of localised dry spot.
Smackdown Herbicide
For the control of marshmallow and annual nettles in grass pastures, rough grass and turf areas; the improvement in the control of marshmallow and ...
Green Turf Gypsum Greens Grade
A greens grade gypsum option for application to fine cut turf surfaces, and for use in landscape situations. Ideal for correcting calcium deficienc...
iGO Deluxe Athletics Boom
Easily attach the iGO Deluxe Athletics Boom to the iGO spray machine to mark three lines with one pass. This will mark two athletic track running l...
Qualibra® Soil Wetting Agent
QUALIBRA® Soil Wetting Agent, is a new generation wetting agent designed to provide increased flexibility when managing soil moisture levels ...
Instar Granular Insecticide
Instar Granular Insecticide is a non-repellent Fipronil based specially graded silica carrier granule for use in the control of Argentine stem...
Kieserite Magnesium Sulphate Granular
Kieserite is a naturally occurring mineral that is chemically known as magnesium sulphate monohydrate. It is mined from ancient marine deposits and...
Primeline Concentrate Marking Paint 10L
Primeline is a concentrated marking compound, specially formulated for playing surfaces that require regular marking.
Renov8 Greens Grade Fertiliser
A premium greens grade fertiliser blend containing a combination of essential nutrients as well as 5% kelp extract for enhanced root development an...
iGO Deluxe Line Marking System
With easy to use accessories, specifically developed for the iGO range, athletic lane marking and application of grass treatments are simple and ef...
Landscape Pro 22-2-9 Fertiliser
A balanced coated fertiliser ideal for sustained feeding of ornamental and landscape plants over a 6-9 month period.
Paton Native Plant Food Fertiliser
A low phosphorus, organically based blend that has been formulated to met the specific requirements of a wide range of native plants. It contains a...
Striker Platinum Turf Seed
Striker Platinum is an ultrafine perennial ryegrass blend that sets a new standard in superior performance for sportsfields. Striker Platinum ...
Coliseum Herbicide
Coliseum provides post-emergent control of Winter Grass in Couch turf surfaces. Coliseum has very good root uptake and can be washed in o...
Compel Pro Insecticide
Compel Pro is a unique water-based formulation containing 100g/L of the active ingredient bifenthrin. Compel Pro is formulated for the co...
Banner Fairway Fungicide
Banner Fairway is a fungicide registered for the control of control of Spring Dead Spot in Couch and Dollar Spot in Bent Grass and Queensland ...
Thiram Liquid Fungicide
Thiram Liquid Fungicide is a liquid suspension used as a foliar protectant and a seed treatment. Thiram Liquid Fungicide offers a control opti...
All Clear DS Tank Cleaner
All Clear® DS is specially formulated to remove chemical deposits and other debris, including oily substances from tanks, hoses, booms, transfer a...
The Andersons Nutri DG Gypsum 25kg
A highly dispersible greens grade gypsum formulation ideal for maintenance application or for use during renovation. Dispersive technology delivers...
Apparent Buffer 700 Surfactant 5L
Apparent Buffer 700 is an acidifying and penetrating surfactant that reduces alkaline hydrolysis of dimethoate, assists with uptake of foliar ferti...
Dek Liquid Fungicide 10L
Liquid Dek is a contact fungicide that works by forming a protective barrier around the plant tissue (i.e. chemical barrier between the fungus and ...
Di-Bak G 1000 Herbicide Capsules
Di-Bak G 1000 Herbicide Capsules are for the control of woody weeds and unwanted trees in forestry, pasture, commercial, industrial, and publi...
Metsol 600 Herbicide 500g
Metsol 600 Herbicide delivers post emergence control of more than 90 brush and broadleaf weeds in native pastures, rights-of-way, commercial and in...
Monstar SC Fungicide 5L
Monstar SC Fungicide provides superior control of Fairy Ring in turf and lawn. Monstar works on the disease by stopping the fungi from produci...
Organic Xtra Premium Fertiliser 25kg
Organic Xtra is a premium organic garden fertiliser containing all natural ingredients including poultry manure, fish meal, natural minerals, blood...
Roundup Bi-Active Herbicide
Roundup Biactive is a non-selective herbicide that has been specifically formulated for use in environmentally sensitive areas, for control of a br...
Apparent Sci-Fi Herbicide
Apparent Sci-Fi is a selective herbicide formulated for the control of Wintergrass in a variety of established turf grasses including Bentgras...
Tour Ornamental Herbicide
Tour Ornamental Herbicide is a safe, effective and economical pre-emergent herbicide that controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf and grassy weeds.<...
Victory IVM Herbicide
Victory® IVM Herbicide contains 750 g/kg clopyralid present in the form of potassium salt. The product is available in a WDG (WaterDispersible Gra...
AmendMAX Sure Start Fertiliser
AmendMAX Sure Start Fertiliser is a specially designed planting fertiliser containing slow release and organic nutrients, wetting agent, humic...
Unizeb 750 DF Fungicide
Unizeb 750DF Fungicide is a dry flowable preventative fungicide formulation for the control of certain fungal diseases in turf.
Entec / Enpower Urea Granular Fertiliser
Entec / Enpower Urea Granular Fertiliser is an economical fertiliser for use in broadcast application in turf, lawns, landscape, parks, sports fiel...
ProForce Numchuk Quad Herbicide
Numchuk Quad is a non-selective knockdown and residual herbicide featuring Quad Control Herbicide Technology to provide effective post and preemerg...
Pylex Herbicide
Pylex is a herbicide used for the safe and efficient removal of broadleaf weed species and warm season turf species, including Buffalo grass, Kikuy...
Midas Turf Fungicide
Midas turf fungicide is effective against all strains of dollar spot, including those resistant to other chemistry classes making it the ultimate s...
Hasten Spray Adjuvant
Hasten Spray Adjuvant is a unique spray adjuvant that has been designed to improve the efficacy of a wide range of herbicides, insecticides, f...
Fieldscout TDR 350 Soil Moisture Meter
The Fieldscout TDR 350 Soil Moisture Meter helps turf professionals manage water responsibly and reduce operating expenses. The Fieldscout TDR...
FieldScout TruFirm Turf Firmness Meter
The Spectrum Fieldscout TDR 350 Soil Moisture Meter helps turf professionals manage water responsibly and reduce operating expenses.
ProPEAT Greens 17-0-3 Fertiliser
ProPEAT Greens 17-0-3 Fertiliser is a natural carbon-based, extended-release fertiliser that bonds nutrients to carbon found in naturally occu...
ProPEAT Greens 7-1-11 Fertiliser
ProPEAT Greens 7-1-11 Fertiliser is a natural carbon-based, extended-release fertiliser that bonds nutrients to carbon found in naturally occu...
Tracel Soluble Trace Elements
A soluble trace element package, ideal for use as a trace element source in hydroponics, turf and other horticultural situations.
A broad spectrum herbicide for the control of a range of annual and perennial weeds in a range of commercial and industrial situations.
UMX Liquid
A high quality liquid formulation of humic & fulvic containing high levels of organic carbon. Effective at preventing nutrient leaching due to ...
Terrazole 350 WP
Terrazole 350 WP is an effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of damping-off, root rot and stem diseases caused by pythium and phytoph...
Indicate 5 Bio-Degradable Adjuvant
An acidifying wetter-spreader containing a pH indicator for use as a penetration, buffering and compatibility aid with alkaline sensitive pesticide...
Fusilade Forte 128 EC Herbicide
Fusilade Forte 128 EC is a highly effective and rapidly absorbed selective herbicide designed to control both annual and perennial grasses. Fu...
Exifoam 1L
Exifoam is designed to minimize excessive foaming that occurs in tanks or dipping operations.
BiForce Granular Insecticide
Biforce Granular Insecticide is a convenient, ready to use contact residual granular insecticide for external control of ants, fleas and ticks in a...
Starane Advanced
For the control of noxious weeds in environmentally sensitive areas.
Eradicate Snail & Slug Bait
Eradicate Snail & Slug Bait contains Iron EDTA complex manufactured in Australia. Eradicate works by interfering with the oxygen carrier s...
Sumi Soaker is a lightweight, easy to move watering unit that eliminates the need for costly watering systems.
Sumi Mark II
Sumi Mark II is SumiSoaker's little brother. Mark II is cost effective, compact and runs on a low operating pressure and flow rate.
Fertech Tracer
Fertech Tracer liquid micronutrient supplement with Brandt nutrient technology supplies a unique complex of trace elements that is ideal for u...
Fertech Super Iron
Fertech Super Iron is a specialty liquid formulation ideally suited to providing growth stimulus for roots and shoots. The delivery system harnesse...
Fertech Stimulus 8-10-5 + Kelpro
A unique NPK blend with a high proportion of phosphorus and added Kelpro, providing a solution that stimulates root growth on a nutritional and hor...
Fertech Special FeX 15-0-0
A unique liquid fertiliser formulation combining the synergistic effects of iron, manganese and nitrogen to provide superior turf colour, and stimu...
Fertech Reinforce 0-0-8
A highly-concentrated potassium silicate amendment ideal for increasing plant stress tolerance and improve surface performance in fine cut turf.
Fertech Refine 10-0-20
A 1:2 ratio NK fertiliser containing 60% N as proprietary Brandt Nurture N methylene urea technology and 100% of K as sustained release potassium c...
Fertech Phosfighter 0-13-25
Highly plant available source of potassium and slowly available phosphorus in one formulation with the phosphonate based nutrient concentration pos...
Fertech Kope 0-0-30
A highly-concentrated potassium amendment containing potassium in both plant available (citrate) and slowly available (carbonate) forms.
Fertech Kelpro
A powerful combination of plant hormones derived from kelp to stimulate plant root growth and improve root density. Auxin dominant formulation with...
Fertech Greens & Tees 10-0-10
A balanced liquid fertiliser containing equal ratios of N and K making it ideal for ongoing use throughout the year to encourage sustainable plant ...
Fertech Exchange 7-0-0
A liquid calcium and magnesium amendment with both nutrients present in highly soluble nitrate form, containing 10% of the soil-active surfactant A...
Fertech Essential 14-3-5 + Micros
A balanced liquid fertiliser with a high N:K ratio and added essential trace elements. Ideal for regular maintenance application throughout the gro...
Fertech Complete 18-0-12
A liquid turf fertiliser with a high N:K ratio and added iron for enhanced turf colour. Majority of nitrogen is present as slow release polymethyle...
Fertech Calculus
Fertech Calculus is a liquid calcium fertiliser containing Manni-Turf technology for improved nutrient uptake and translocation within the pla...
Fertech Bio 4-1-1 + Plant Growth Promoters
A 100% natural, ACO certified organic fertility and bio-stimulant blend ideal for improving plant health and resilience and promoting growth.
Fertech Advance 35-0-0
A high N liquid slow release nitrogen containing 70% of N proprietary Brandt Nurture N methylene urea technology.
2SPEC Stabilise Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC Stabilise is a premium sports turf fertiliser, ideal for applications on sporting surfaces, gardens, parks and lawns.
2SPEC Mini Origin Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC MINI Origin is a premium mini prill sports turf fertiliser, ideal for applications on playing fields, tees, fairways and lawns. Con...
2SPEC Mini Magnify Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC MINI Magnify is a premium mini prill sports turf fertiliser, ideal for applications on playing fields, tees and fairways. Containing a h...
2SPEC Mini Komplex Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC MINI Komplex is a premium mini prill sports turf fertiliser, ideal for applications on playing fields, tees, fairways and lawns.
2SPEC Sustain 30-1-5 Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC SUSTAIN is the ideal specification where excellent colour and a longer period of slow release is required.
2SPEC Establish 15-10-10 Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC Establish is specified when the rapid establishment of turf is required. Nutrient availability is important in getting turf off to a good sta...
2SPEC Endurance 20-0-20 Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC Endurance is the specification for when turf requires a balance between growth and durability.
2SPEC Elevate 23-1-10 Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC Elevate is the ideal specification for the enhancement of an existing turf cover, providing excellent colour and a high level of turf growth....
2SPEC Accelerate 30-1-6 Premium Turf Fertiliser
2SPEC Accelerate made to a specification when a quick response is required. The high level of up front nitrogen produces fast growth and colou...
Hydrolink Tablets
Hydrolink Tablets are designed to treat localised dry spots and hydrophobic soil media and should be applied via a proper hose-end applicator.
Hydrolink Tablicator
Hydrolink Tablicator is specifically designed for use with Hydrolink Tablets. The Tablicator is a 100% brass fitting with an adjustable brass nozzl...
Hydrolink Gran Plus
A Premium Granular Wetting Agent for the treatment and prevention of hydrophobic soils. Ideal for use in Turf, Garden and Landscaping applicat...
Hydrolink Advance
Hydrolink Advance is the ideal year-round wetting agent option for general turf and ornamental use to assist in penetration and retention...
Hydrolink Profile
A precise balance of three unique polymeric surfactants, Hydrolink Profile is designed to enhance the availability, retention and distrib...
Hydrolink Rapid
The surfactant blend with the highest surface tension acting properties in the Hydrolink range, Rapid is designed to re-wet and penetrate through h...
Hydrolink Retain
Hydrolink Retain works within the soil profile to retain moisture at the soil / root interface where the plant needs it most.
Merit Turf and Ornamental Insecticide
For the control of first instar larvae of African black beetle, Argentinian scarab and pruinose scarab and the control of billbug larvae in turf si...
Bentgrass Penncross Coated
Aggressiveness, vigour and wear tolerance make Penncross a natural for greens, tees, and fairways. Penncross’ ability to perform under a wide ran...
Clear up Bio 510 Herbicide
Clear Up Bio 510 Bi-Aquatic is a non selective herbicide containing 510g/L of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of an isopropyla...
Greentop K 33-0-11 Fertiliser
Greentop K Fertiliser is a premium, high-analysis NK fertiliser specifically formulated to promote rapid, lush growth in high-cut turf. With its el...
0.4% Lo-Biuret Soluble Urea
Lo Biuret Soluble Urea is a high nitrogen soluble urea, ideal for delivering highly plant available nitrogen directly to the plant
Tridim 250 EC Fungicide
For systemic control of ring spot on cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, powdery mildew on cucurbits, tomatoes, grapevines, parsnip, radish, swede, ...
FoliMAX Promote - Turf Growth Promoter
FoliMAX Promote is specifically formulated to provide rapid lateral turfgrass growth as well as enhance colour. The unique blend of macro and minor...
Finesse Selective Miticide
Finesse uses a mite growth regulator and does not kill adult couch mites, but sterilises adult females, prevents egg hatch, and kills larvae and ny...
Biostim Water Treatment Powder 20kg
100% natural biological stimulant made of bacterial cultures, enzymes and nutrients that starves out algae and weeds, reduces sludge and cleans up ...
Biostim Water Treatment Pellets 20kg
100% natural biological stimulant made of bacterial cultures, enzymes and nutrients. Ideal for dams with a lot of sludge and dams with water moving...
BlightBan Fungicide
BlightBAN Fungicide, containing 600g/L Propamocarb, is registered for the control of Pythium in a range of turfand ornamental plant applications.
Striker Quinella Turf Seed
Striker Quinella is a blend of 4front, a perennial tetraploid ryegrass, with Roha...
Quali-Pro Evolution Advanced Fungicide
Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance is a premium broad-spectrum fungicide containing 370 g/L Tebuconazole and 222 g/L Azoxystrobin. Building on the str...
Jacobsen Eclipse 360 ELiTE Lithium Ride-On Reel Mower
The Jacobsen Eclipse® 360 ELiTE™ Fully Electric Riding Greens Mower cuts more than grass. Fuel cost, noise and maintenance downtime ar...
Jacobsen GP400 Gas Versatile Ride-On Reel Mower
The Jacobsen GP400 Gas is a versatile ride-on reel mower. With tight frequency of clip, using Jake’s 15 blade reels, it also combines w...
Jacobsen GP400 Diesel Versatile Ride-On Reel Mower
The Jacobsen GP400 Diesel is a versatile ride-on reel mower. With the tightest frequency of clip, using Jake’s 15 blade reel, along with a trustw...
Jacobsen Greens King IV Plus Reel Mower
Light, trusted, proven around the world, the Greens King is a reel mower for golf greens. Simple to operate, and easy to maintain, delivering Jake�...
Jacobsen Eclipse 2 Hybrid Walk-Behind Reel Mower
A century’s experience comes together to give you the Jacobsen Eclipse 2 electric hybrid walk behind reel mower. Jake’s Signature Cut...
Jacobsen PGM22 Lightweight Walk-Behind Reel Mower
The Jacobsen PGM22 Lightweight Walk-Behind Reel Mower will be sure to give you Jake’s Signature Cut, Trusted by Generations. This user-...
Jacobsen SLF530 Super Lightweight Reel Mower
The SLF530 is a super lightweight reel mower, that will get the job done. This highly manoeuvrable mower delivers unrivalled quality of cut. Design...
Jacobsen LF550 High Performance Ride-On Reel Mower
Mow with ease with the Jacobsen LF550 High Performance Ride-On Reel Mower designed to cover a range of larger area. This high-performance ride-on m...
Jacobsen LF570 High Performance Ride-On Reel Mower
Mow with ease with the Jacobsen LF570 High Performance Ride-On Reel Mower designed to cover a larger area. This high-performance ride-on mower...
Jacobsen LF570 (NON-ULSD) High Performance Ride-On Reel Mower
Mow with ease with the Jacobsen LF range of larger area, lightweight reel mowers. This high-performance ride-on mower range will give you a consist...
Jacobsen F305 Powerful Wide Area Reel Mower
The Jacobsen F305 is a medium weight, four wheel drive, 5 unit fairway mower. This model gives reliable and unsurpassed productivity synonymou...
Jacobsen F407 High Capacity Wide Area Reel Mower
The powerful but precise Jacobsen F407 High Capacity Wide Area Reel Mower comes with 26” (66cm) front and rear clipping discharge units...
Jacobsen HR600 Large Area Rotary Mower
The Jacobsen HR600 large area rotary mower lets you take Jake’s power anywhere. It cuts roughs, surrounds, around obstacles on golf courses, park...
Jacobsen HR700 Powerful Large Area Rotary Mower
When you need a powerful large area rotary mower, the Jacobsen HR700 is the machine that will get the job done. With MARBAIN® Boron Alloy Steel Bl...
Jacobsen HR800 High Performance Large Rotary Mower
The Jacobsen HR800 high performance large area rotary mower is built to let you work fast without compromising on cut quality. Cut roughs and surro...
Jacobsen AR321 Contour Rotary Trim Mower
Jake’s signature cut, trusted by generations is guaranteed with the Jacobsen AR321 contour rotary trim mower regardless of the terrain. The TRUED...
Jacobsen AR331 Contour Rotary Trim Mower
Cut around any obstacle, with the Jacobsen AR331 side shifting contour rotary mower. ADAPTISHIFT™ Contouring technology and TRUEDECK™ Cutting U...
Jacobsen AR530 Contour Rotary Trim Mower
Redesigned from the ground up, the Jacobsen AR530 contour rotary mower is built to give you the best. Designed with TRUEDECK™ heavy-duty contouri...
Jacobsen AR530 T4I (NON-ULSD) Contour Rotary Trim Mower
Redesigned from the ground up, the Jacobsen AR530 contour rotary mower is built to give you the best. Designed with TRUEDECK™ heavy-dut...
Jacobsen AR730 Contour Rotary Trim Mower
The Jacobsen AR730 provides unmatched clip dispersal and after-cut appearance, whether you’re cutting with five or seven decks, thanks to innovat...
Jacobsen TR320 High Traction Contour Trim Mower
The Jacobsen TR320 is a high traction contour trim mower offering you the perfect balance of comfort, cut quality and power. The highly manoeuvrabl...
Jacobsen TR330 High Traction Side Shifting Trim Mower
The Jacobsen TR330 high traction, side shifting trim mower is always consistent and dependable, with ADAPTISHIFT™ Reels at your command.
Jacobsen HM600 Wide Area Mulching Flail Mower
The Jacobsen HM600 Wide Area Mulching Flail Mower has been built in collaboration with Müthing® to deliver a robust, reliable mower wit...
Jacobsen SLF1 ELiTE Superlight Five Lithium Mower
The Jacobsen SLF1 ELiTE Superlight Five Lithium Mower is available exclusively with a proven ELiTE lithium drivetrain powered by Samsung SDI l...
Terrus Carbon-Based Organic Granular Fertiliser (3-1-2-1)
Terrus is a granulated, carbon-based organic fertiliser delivering slow-release nutrients and trace elements essential for healthy plant growth, wh...
Proforce Regulate 200SC Plant Growth Regular (PGR) 2.5L
ProForce Regulate 200SC PGR is a plant growth regulator containing 200g/L of the active ingredient paclobutrazol. It is registered for the suppress...
Cushman Truckster XD
The Truckster XD makes quick work of your hardest jobs with the industry’s largest standard payload and your choice of Kubota gas or diesel engin...
Cushman Spraytek XP
The SprayTek XP advanced design features a low-profile, deep sump tank, allowing superior performance on both slopes and flat surfaces. This design...
Cushman Hauler PRO
The Hauler PRO is reliable and refined for any job. The remarkable range and zero-maintenance ELiTE lithium powertrain has raised the bar for utili...
Cushman Hauler PRO-X
Unlock the full potential of the workday with the lifted Hauler PRO-X. Experience unrivaled performance with maintenance-free...
Cushman Hauler 800
The Hauler 800, now available with an ELiTE lithium drivetrain powered by Samsung SDI battery technology or with a fuel-efficient 13.5 hp EFI gas e...
Cushman Hauler 800X
With an 8.4 cubic-foot cargo bed, bench seating, lifted suspension, and turf tires, every part of the Hauler 800X is designed to go the extra mile,...
Cushman Hauler 1200
The Hauler 1200 is loaded with relentless power to overcome to toughest tasks. The fuel-efficient 13.5 hp EFI gasoline engine, customisable bed, an...
Cushman Hauler 1200X
Break through the barriers of any project with the lifted Hauler 1200X. The Hauler 1200X was built to face the toughest challenges head-on. The fue...
Edict Fungicide 100mL
Edict Disease Control is fungicide for use on Lawns, Azaleas, Roses, other general ornamental gardenplants. Edict Disease Control provides systemic...
Edict Duo Fungicide 1L
Edict Duo is a broad spectrum fungicide containing the active ingredients Trifloxystrobin (100g/L) and Tebuconazole (200g/L). It is registered for ...
Conquer 100WG Selective Herbicide
Conquer 100WG Selective Herbicide contains 100g/kg of the active ingredient Iodosulfuron-methyl sodium and is registered for the controls a variety...
Azoxy 250 T&O Fungicide
Azoxy 250 T&O Fungicide (active constituent Azoxystrobin) is an effective xylem systemic fungicide that delivers excellent protection for up to...
Hicure Biostimulant
HICURE® is a highly concentrated HICURE® is a highly concentrated biostimulant for the turf grass industry consisting of amino acids and peptides...
Apparent White Foam Marker 5L
Apparent White Foam Marker is a highly concentrated marking foam designed to help farmers and agricultural professionals accurately identify spray ...
taskTracker is the ultimate digital solution for turf managers looking to seamles...
Algae Aid Algaecide 5L
Algae Aid Algaecide is a turf, ornamental and general-purpose algaecide containing 142.5g/L Quaternary Ammonium Compound.
It is registered ...
iPro Field Markers - White (Box of 25)
iPRO Markers are the most practical solution for marking buried objects or setting lines and boundaries. Season after season, the iPRO Markers...
Redexim Verti-Drain 1513 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain 1513 is the ultimate lightweight aerator for professionals who require precision and efficiency on sensiti...
Redexim Verti-Drain 1517 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain 1517 is a lightweight, high-speed aerator designed for precision and efficiency on sensitive turf surfaces...
Redexim Verti-Drain 2519 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain 2519 is a robust and versatile aerator designed for high-speed operation and maximum productivity. This ad...
Redexim Verti-Drain 7416 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain 7416 stands out as one of the most versatile aerators in the Redexim lineup, engineered to meet the demand...
Redexim Verti-Drain 7516 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain 7516 combines impressive depth capability with a compact, durable design, making it a top choice for profe...
Redexim Verti-Drain 7215 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain 7215 is a compact and lightweight aerator specifically designed for use with lower HP tractors, making it ...
Redexim Verti-Drain 7316 Aerator
Introducing the Redexim Verti-Drain® 7316, a highly versatile aeration machine designed to tackle a range of turf conditions with ease. Popular ac...
Redexim Verti-Drain 7521 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain® 7521 is a powerhouse aeration machine, designed to deliver exceptional depth and performance across a variety of turf con...
Redexim Verti-Drain 7626 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain® 7626 is the largest and most powerful model in the Verti-Drain range, specifically engineered to tackle the toughest soil...
Redexim Verti-Drain 7212 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Drain® 7212 is a compact yet highly capable aerator, perfectly suited for use with lower HP tractors. Engineered to provide deep...
Redexim Verti-Quake 2516 Aerator
The Redexim Verti-Quake® 2516 is a powerful, tractor-mounted aerator designed to efficiently de-compact soil profiles with minimal disruption to t...
Quali-Pro Marvel-ous Plant Growth Regulator
Quali-Pro Marvel-ous is a plant growth regulator used to manage growth and improve quality and stress tolerance of warm and cool season turf grasse...
Equipment Solutions Heavy Duty Scarifier 1.8m
The Nuturf Equipment Solutions Heavy Duty Scarifier is the ultimate choice for turf maintenance and renovation, delivering outstanding performance ...
Trefinti Turf Nematicide
Trefinti Turf Nematicide is a specialised product developed by Syngenta for managing harmful nematodes and diseases in turfgrass.
Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator 1L
Astro 120 ME Growth Regulator is formulated for the regulation of leaf and stem growth of grass species and as an aid in turf management.
Quali-Pro Triumph Advance
Quali-Pro Triumph Advance is a contact and systemic fungicide registered for the control of pythium (leaf blight, root rot and seedling dampin...
Estate Herbicide
Estate Herbicide is a powerful combination of three active ingredients for effective broad-spectrum control of hard to-kill weeds such as bindii an...
Redexim Carrier
The Redexim Carrier is a unique multi-function tool carrier, designed to work with a variety of implements such as 1513 Verti-Drain, seeders, verti...
Redexim Verti-Cut 1300
The Verti-Cut 1300 utilises specially designed Verti-Cut blades to cut lateral grasses & promote the growth of healthy turf by removing dead pl...
Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958