Green Turf Gypsum Greens Grade is a greens grade gypsum option for application to fine cut turf surfaces, and for use in landscape situations. Ideal for correcting calcium deficiencies without impacting on soil pH.
Product form of Green Turf Gypsum Greens Grade
Comes in greens grade prills 100 SGN and readily disperses when contacted by water forming many individual particles restoring Calcium and Sulphur to the soil.
GreenTurf gypsum is a formed calcium sulphate granular gypsum using superior binding technology to bind GreenCal gypsum powder, a natural 98% pure calcium sulphate dihydrate, together in Greens Grade prills. This allows the product to be easily spread on fine cut turf. When moisture is applied, GreenTurf gypsum disperses back to its powdered form and becomes available in the soil profile. The very high purity and ultra fine particle size of GreenTurf gypsum make it readily available in the soil compared with agricultural gypsum products.
Key features of Green Turf Gypsum Greens Grade
GreenTurf gypsum supplies readily available calcium and sulphur without significantly affecting soil pH. GreenTurf gypsum is suitable for spreading using standard spreading systems. GreenTurf is mainly used by greenkeepers on golf greens, golf tee areas, bowling greens and on sports playing surfaces.
Can be used in a program to remove Sodium from the soil profile. As Calcium has a greater bonding potential to soil particles than Sodium it can replace the Sodium ions attached to soil particles.
Directions for using Green Turf Gypsum Greens Grade
- Apply product to actively growing turf at 1.0 - 5.0 kg/100 m2 as indicated by soil testing.
- To maintain soil calcium levels, apply 2.5-5.0 kg/100 m2 as needed.
- To remove sodium from the soil, repeat applications every 4-8 weeks.
- Apply to dry foliage. Water in after application with 3-4 mm of irrigation.
- If temperatures exceed 30° C or if application to damp or wet turf is unavoidable, irrigate immediately after application.
Application Rate: 1-5kg per 100m2
Particle Size: SGN 100