
Get your algae and aquatic weeds under control with Nuturf's range of algaecides and aquatic weed solutions. Our range of algaecides is designed for the control of algae on golf courses, bowling greens, sports fields and areas prone to algal growth suc... Read More

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Eraze 360 Biaquatic Herbicide
Active: 360g/L glyphosate

Eraze 360 Bi-Aquatic is a non-selective herbicide containing 360 g/L of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of an isopropylamine (IPA) salt.

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Biostim Water Treatment Powder 20kg
100% natural biological stimulant

100% natural biological stimulant made of bacterial cultures, enzymes and nutrients that starves out algae and weeds, reduces sludge and cleans up organic waste. Ideal for water requiring a high amount of treatment and large water bodies.

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Biostim Water Treatment Pellets 20kg
100% natural biological stimulant

100% natural biological stimulant made of bacterial cultures, enzymes and nutrients. Ideal for dams with a lot of sludge and dams with water moving through them (e.g. irrigation).

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Algae Aid Algaecide 5L

Algae Aid Algaecide is a turf, ornamental and general-purpose algaecide containing 142.5g/L Quaternary Ammonium Compound.

It is registered for the control of algae (cyanobacteria) and mould in golf courses, bowling greens and sports turf...

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australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

