
Nuturf's quality range of lawn and turf fungicides is designed to prevent and treat an extensive number of fungal issues including crown, foliar and root diseases. Within our fungicide range, you'll find a variety of broad spectrum fungicide solutions ... Read More

There are 51 products
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Lexicon Intrinsic Fungicide
Active: 167g/L fluxapyroxad, 333g/L pyraclostrobin

Lexicon delivers peak performance under pressure, optimising disease control and providing plants with longer, stronger roots and increased growth.

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Xzemplar™ Fungicide
Active: 300g/L Fluxapyroxad

Xzemplar™ is a turf fungicide offering advanced systemic movement of the active ingredient, Fluxapyroxad. Xzemplar combines a quick knockdown and powerful, long lasting control.

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Maxtima® Fungicide
Active: 400g/l Mefentrifluconazole

Maxtima® is a revolutionary, broad spectrum DMI fungicide that can be applied on any turf, at any temperature and anywhere on your course.

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Bumper 625 EC Fungicide
Active: 625g/L Propiconazole

Bumper 625 EC is a broad spectrum fungicide specifically registered for the control of Spring Dead Spot and Dollar Spot in a range of turf management situations.

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Captan 800 WG Fungicide
Active: 800g/kg Captan

Captan 800 WG controls a broad spectrum of diseases in turf, ornamentals as well as a range of crops including apples, almonds, grapes, pears, pistachios, stonefruit and strawberries.

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Quali-Pro Compass Fungicide
Active: 500g/L fluazinam

Compass Fungicide is a premium, unique, multi-site contact, protectant fungicide, the only registered fungicide for turf in FRAC group 29.

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Magellan 800WG Fungicide
Active: 800g/kg Fosetyl-aluminium

Magellan Fungicide is a targeted oomycete fungicide for the prevention and control of Phytophthora rots in ornamentals and Pythium in turf as specified in the Direction for Use.

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Patriot Fungicide
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 100g/L Trifloxystrobin

Patriot Fungicide is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 100 g/L of the active ingredient Trifloxystrobin and 200 g/L Tebuconazole.

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Quali-Pro Enclave Fungicide
Active: 365g/L chlorothalonil, 119g/l Iprodione, 119g/l Thiophanate methyl and 36g/L Tebuconazole

Quali-Pro Enclave is registered for the broad spectrum, eradicant, curative and preventative control of Brown Patch, Fusarium Patch, Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium, Grey Leaf Spot and Spring Dead Spot in all recreational turf...

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Quali-Pro Evolution Fungicide
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 120g/L Azoxystrobin

Evolution Fungicide is a premium, fungicide mixture containing 120 g/L of the active ingredient Azoxystrobin and 200 g/L Tebuconazole.

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Banner Maxx Fungicide
Active: 155 g/L Propiconazole

Banner Maxx is early curative treatment, providing systemic broad-spectrum control of Dollar Spot, Winter Fusarium, and the ERI complex (Couchgrass Decline and Take-all Patch).

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Daconil Weatherstik® Turf Fungicide
Active: 720g/L Chlorothalonil

Daconil Weather Stik is a contact fungicide that can be used in preventative programs. It can be used as an early curative after the first signs of disease become evident.

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Headway Maxx Fungicide
Active: 62g/l Azoxystrobin, 104g/l Propiconazole

Headway Maxx combines the strength, longevity and broad spectrum of Heritage Maxx with the speed and early curative action of Banner Maxx in an unbeatable combination.

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Heritage Maxx Fungicide
Active: 95g/l Azoxystrobin

Heritage Maxx combines systemic activity through xylem mobility, and translaminar movement to encourage multi-site uptake...

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Instrata Turf Fungicide
Active: 36.2% Chlorothalonil, 5.7% Propiconazole...

Instrata is an excellent choice for use in a preventative program or curatively after first symptoms are evident.

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Showing 1 - 15 of 51 items
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Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

