
Nuturf's professional range of fertilisers for high-cut turf is best suited to fertilising sports fields, golf tees, golf fairways, lawns, horse racing tracks and grassed amenities or recreational areas. In this category, you'll find granular turf fert... Read More

There are 18 products
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Black Label Pro+ Strength 22-0-19 Fertiliser
22% N, 19.4% K, 3.1% S

Black Label Pro+ Strength 22-0-19 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser with upfront and multiple controlled release sources of nitrogen for optimum turf growth.

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Black Label All Purpose 19-0-19 Fertiliser
19.2% N, 18.7% K, 12% S

Black Label All Purpose is a premium, controlled release 350SGN sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Starter 18-10-9 Fertiliser
17.8% N, 9.6% P, 8.7% K

Black Label Starter 18-10-9 is a premium, controlled release, 350SGN sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Rapid 20-0-16 Fertiliser
19.9% N, 16% K, 2.8% S

Black Label Rapid 20-0-16 is a premium sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Biosmart 23-0-4 + TE Biological Fertiliser
23.2% N, 0.1% P, 1.2% K, 5.1% S

Black Label BioSmart is a premium sports turf biological fertiliser, formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Turf King 23-1-10 Fertiliser
22.4% N, 0.9% P, 10% K, 4.6% S

Black Label Turf King 23-1-10 is a premium, nitrogen stabilised 250SGN sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Uplift 28-1-8 Fertiliser
28.3% N, 1.2% P, 7.9% K, 7.6% S

Black Label Uplift 28-1-8 is a premium, controlled release sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Pro All Seasons 24-2-9 Fertiliser
24% N, 2% P, 9.1% K, 5.5% S

Black Label Pro All Seasons 24-2-9 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-230SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Pro Balance 22-0-18 Fertiliser
22% N, 0.3% P, 18.1% K, 3.5% S

Black Label Pro Balance 22-0-18 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-230SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Pro Hi-K 14-0-24 Fertiliser
13.9% N, 23.8% K

Black Label Pro Hi – K 14-0-24 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-220SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Pro Super 30-1-5 Fertiliser
29.7% N, 1% P, 5% K, 8.6% S

Black Label Pro Super 30-1-5 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-230SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Pro Hi-Performance Fertiliser
33.9% N, 1% P, 5.7% K

Black Label Pro Hi-Performance 34-1-6 is a premium, controlled release mini (200-230SGN) sports turf fertiliser formulated and blended in Australia, for use on professional turf surfaces.

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Black Label Pro+ Elite 25-0-13 Fertiliser
25.3% N, 13.2% K, 3.6% S

Black Label Pro+ Elite 25-0-13 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser, containing upfront and multiple controlled release sources of nitrogen for optimum turf growth.

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Black Label Pro+ Extend 30-0-7 Fertiliser
30.5%N, 7.2% K, 6% S

Black Label Pro+ Extend 30-0-7 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser, with upfront and multiple controlled release nitrogen for optimum release rate.

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The Andersons A-Tep Fertiliser and Soil Amender
12% Mg, 9% S, 8% Fe, 3% Mn, 1% Zn 0.5% Cu

Andersons A-Tep is a soil nutrient ideal for use on greens, tees and other closely mowed turf. It helps prevent and correct micro and secondary nutrient deficiencies. 

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Showing 1 - 15 of 18 items
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

