Quali-Pro® Triumph® Advance is a contact and systemic fungicide containing 800g/L metalaxyl-m in an easy-to-use soluble liquid concentrate (SL) formulation.

It is registered for the control of pythium (leaf blight, root rot and seedling damping off) in all cool and warm season turf grasses.

It has minimal odour because the product does not contain petroleum solvents. As a result, Quali-Pro Triumph Advance mixes completely with water and may be tank mixed with many commonly used fungicides and liquid fertilisers.

Mode of action

Metalaxyl-M, the active ingredient in Quali-Pro Triumph Advance, is a MOA group 4 systemic fungicide. It is rapidly taken up by the plant’s green tissue, roots and stems – in as little as 30 minutes – and transported upwards (acropetally) in the plant’s vascular system to leaf tips. It provides control of pythium from within the plant, inhibiting fungal growth and reproduction, and protects new growth produced after application. While most often applied as a preventative, it also has curative effects, which is particularly important with Pythium foliar blight and for contact action in the soil.

Key features & Benefits of Quali-Pro Triumph Advance
  • High loading of active ingredient
  • Rapid movement into the plant
  • Easy to remember rate
  • Works on all forms of Pythium diseases
  • Less cost of product, storage, transport and empty drum disposal compared with other Pythium fungicides
  • Will be within the plant in as little as 30 minutes, acting immediately on Pythium disease
  • 1L bottle = 1ha of greens (top rate)
  • Controls Pythium Leaf Blight, Pythium Root Rot and Seedling Damping Off
Brand: Adama
Preventative, Curative
Formulation Type:
Soluble Concentrate (SL)
MOA Group:
Group 4 Fungicide
Mobility Type:
Product Form:
Liquid, Contact
Narrow Spectrum
Disease: Pythium Leaf Blight, Pythium Root Dysfunction
Application Rate: 5.1 to 10.5mL/100 m2
Active Ingredient: 800 g/L Metalaxyl-M
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

