Compass Fungicide is a premium, unique, multi-site contact, protectant fungicide, the only registered fungicide for turf in FRAC group 29.

It provides powerful contact activity of a range of turf diseases including; Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium, Anthracnose and Grey Leaf Spot. Compass has no known resistance and as a multi-site contact, it has very low risk of developing resistance.

Features and Benefits of Quali-Pro Compass Fungicide
  • Unique mode of action for the turf market
  • Greater residual activity (up to 21 days) when compared to other available protectant fungicides (mancozeb/chlorothalonil)
  • Excellent control of dollar spot where other products fail
  • Useful rotational partner that can be combined with systemic products for inside/out protection
  • Excellent tank mix flexibility
  • Multi-site activity that has very low risk of developing resistance
  • Possesses excellent rain fast properties to provide consistent performance in any weather condition
  • Registered for Grey Leaf Spot – currently limited options are available for this disease.
How Does Compass Fungicide Work?

Compass fungicide is a new multi-site contact fungicide, from a new chemical class, for turf. It contains the new active ingredient, fluazinam, and is the only registered fungicide for turf in FRAC group 29. It has no known resistance and as a multi-site contact, it has very low risk of developing resistance.

Falling under the pyridinamine family, Compass disrupts the energy production in the fungus by restricting ATP production, a key molecule used for the production of physiological processes in fungal cells.

Compass has little systemic activity. It has stronger protectant/preventative properties than curative activity, however, data indicates that with multiple applications curative control can be achieved.

  • Active Ingredient: Fluazinam
  • Concentration: (g/L) 500
  • FRAC Group 29
  • Group Common Name: Multi-Site Inhibitor – Pyridinamine
  • Mode of Action: Disruption of energy production Effect on Fungi Disrupts ATP production – important to fuel physiological processes within fungi cells.
  • Use Pattern: Contact Protectant
  • Residual activity up to 21 days
Rainfast Properties of Compass Fungicide

The Compass formulation holds fungicide to the surface of leaf blades even after irrigation and heavy rains. In a rain fastness study, plants treated with 2 fungicides (Compass and Daconil* Weatherstik) were subjected to artificially simulated rainfall events (20 mm/hr) at 2 hours and 24 hours following fungicide application. In the study, the plant leaves were then inoculated with disease spores, incubated then placed in ideal growing conditions for 3 days. Following this period the plant leaves were assessed for disease presence and control achieved by the fungicides. The results below indicate that disease control was achieved with both PPM rates of both products, indicating that Compass was equivalent to Daconil* Weatherstik when it comes to rainfast properties

Brand: Adama
Formulation Type:
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
MOA Group:
Group 29 Fungicide
Mobility Type:
Product Form:
Disease: Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, Grey Leaf Spot, Pythium Leaf Blight, Pythium Root Dysfunction, Helminthosporium Disease
Application Rate: 10-15mL per 100m²
Active Ingredient: 500g/L fluazinam
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

