Dedicate FORTE Stressgard® is a broad-spectrum DMI fungicide containing tebuconazole (240 g/L) with Stressgard Formulation Technology, and controls tough soil-borne and foliar fungal diseases in both cool and warm season turfgrass.

Dedicate FORTE Stressgard offers a new powerful solution for:

  • Targeted early season preventative applications for soil-borne diseases such as Fairy Ring
  • Spring knockdown of disease inoculum, assisting overall seasonal management of key diseases like Dollar Spot, Brown Patch and Anthracnose
  • Fast and thorough curative control of key summer diseases such as Anthracnose

Delivering the power and flexibility you deserve, trust Dedicate FORTE Stressgard to help you achieve consistent, high quality playing surfaces.

Key features and benefits of Dedicate FORTE Stressgard Fungicide
  • A use rate that delivers powerful control of a broad spectrum of soil borne and foliar diseases, giving you the confidence to start the season with strong disease knockdown and protection, and fast, thorough curative control from upward systemic movement of the active ingredient
  • A solo active ingredient formulation of tebuconazole (Fungicide Resistance Action Committee Group 3), making it different from many other products that combine FRAC Groups 3 and 11, which brings simplification and flexibility to the building of effective fungicide programs that manage resistance, particularly to FRAC Group 11 fungicides
  • Tebuconazole is proven to have low growthregulatory impact on both warm and coolseason turf, providing confidence of summer safety, and flexibility to use when turf is under growth regulation
Best Practice Application Guidelines

Dedicate FORTE Stressgard is a broad-spectrum fungicide which is absorbed rapidly and works systemically from within the plant. Good coverage and wetting of the foliage are necessary. Application should be made using sufficient water to ensure thorough, uniform coverage. Apply in 400-800 L water per ha for foliar or crown diseases such as Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Fusarium (Microdochium), Helminthosporium, Gray leaf spot and Rust. An application is rainfast after drying (approximately 30 minutes) and rain or sprinkler irrigation after this time should not decrease effectiveness.

Use higher water rates (up to 1600 L per ha) for treatment of soil/root diseases such as Brown Patch and Fairy Ring. When targeting applications for soilborne diseases, water in immediately to the depth of fungal activity in the root zone.

Please note that the registration of products to the Envu legal entity is currently in progress. In the meantime, Envu products will progressively transfer from Bayer to the Envu brand. You may observe product with packaging that belong to either Envu or Bayer during this transition.

Brand: Envu
Preventative, Curative
Formulation Type:
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
MOA Group:
Group 3 Fungicide
Mobility Type:
Product Form:
Broad Spectrum
Disease: Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Fairy Ring, Fusarium Patch, Grey Leaf Spot, Rust, Helminthosporium Disease
Application Rate: 3.5 L per ha
Active Ingredient: 240g/l Tebuconazole
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

