Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance is a premium broad-spectrum fungicide containing 370 g/L Tebuconazole and 222 g/L Azoxystrobin. Building on the strength of the original Quali-Pro® Evolution (200g/L Tebuconazole + 120g/L Azoxystrobin), Quali-Pro® Evolution Advance is registered for all the same diseases and situations, (Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Large Patch, Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium disease, Winter Fusarium and Fairy Ring), with the addition of soil-borne diseases including but not limited to:
- Pythium (Pythium spp.)
- Spring Dead Spot (Ophiosphaerella narmari)
- Couch Decline (Gaeumannomyces graminis var graminis)
- Take-all Patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis f. sp. avenae)
- Summer Patch (Magnaporthe spp.)
- Summer Decline (Wongia griffini)
- Fairway Patch (Phialocephala bamuru)
Features & Benefits of Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance Fungicide
- Schedule 5 chemical allows for increased usage in and around public areas. No re-entry restrictions
- Suspension Concentrate formulation allows for easy pouring and mixing, and provides efficient movement into the soil profile and is very effective against root borne pathogens
- Xylem systemic movement within the plant provides curative control of pathogens within plant tissue from the point of application upwards
- Registered for all major diseases means fewer drums on the shelf
- High active ingredient loading means lower application rates and reduced drum disposal & packaging costs.
Adama are well known for bringing unique high load products to the market, and Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance is no exception. Even though it contains almost double the amount of active ingredient load, Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance remains a schedule 5 (Caution) suspension concentrate formulation. Importantly, Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance provides the same amount of active ingredients per hectare, so there is no additional burden on the environment, less packaging, and less risk to users for WH&S.
Mode of Action of Evolution Advance Fungicide
The combination of two modes of action in QualiPro® Evolution® Advance provides protection against several stages in the life cycle of diseases.
Tebuconazole is a member of the demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicide group (Group 3). It is rapidly absorbed into the plant via the foliage, crown or roots (depending on application volumes and placement), although it is also known to have a residual effect of up to 21 days. It is transported upwards of the application point to provide uniform protection throughout the plant. Tebuconazole acts on the vegetative mycelia of the fungi with limited direct activity on spores. Unlike other DMI’s, Tebuconazole is known for having low growth regulatory effects, making it safe to use year-round.
Azoxystrobin is a member of the strobilurin fungicide family (Group 11). It is slower to be absorbed but has extended residual activity (28 days), inhibiting spore germination and host penetration during the early stages of fungal vegetative growth.
The dual combination of a DMI + strobilurin ensures infections are targeted from the time of spore germination on the leaf surface through to mycelial development within leaves. Therefore, applying QualiPro® Evolution® Advance as a preventative treatment prior to spore germination will achieve the maximum benefit from both active ingredients.
How to get the best results from Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance Fungicide
Understanding the target disease and where it is affecting the turf plant is key to getting the best results from Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance. The most important part of this is to ensure correct product placement using a combination of the right nozzles and the right spray application volume. Remembering that both Tebuconazole and Azoxystrobin are xylem systemic, where you place the product with water will be where the active ingredients are absorbed and moved upwards from.
For foliar and crown disease applications, use nozzles that produce medium to course droplets (e.g. AIXR11004), and an application volume of 350-500L/ ha water. This will evenly coat the leaves and crown, without runoff.
For root diseases it is important to use nozzles that produce extremely coarse droplets (e.g. TTJ10) and an application volume of approximately 1000L/ha. When lower application volumes are used, irrigation should commence as soon as possible after application. The addition of a soil penetrant prior to or with Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance is recommended to ensure rapid penetration through the soil profile. Preferably spray onto wet or dewy grass.
Specifically for Fairy Ring, it may be of benefit to use a soil wetting agent two weeks prior to Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance to ensure the hydrophobic nature of soils associated with Fairy Ring is reduced and QualiPro® Evolution® Advance is spread evenly throughout the treated zone.
Usage Rates for Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance Fungicide
- Foliar diseases: 1-1.6L/ha in 350-500L/ha water on a 21-28 day interval. Fairy Ring: 1.6-2.2L/ha in 1000L/ha water. (When lower application volumes are used, washing in should commence as soon as possible after application). Apply the first application when soil temperatures are consistently between 15 °C and 18 °C for 5 consecutive days, and repeat in 30 days.
- Pythium: 1.6-2.2L/ha in 350-500L/ha water for foliar blight, up to 1000L/ha water for root rot.
- ERI diseases: 1-2.2L/ha in 1000L/ha water (When lower application volumes are used, washing in should commence as soon as possible after application). Do not apply more than 2 consecutive sprays of Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance