Unizeb 750DF Fungicide is a dry flowable preventative fungicide formulation for the control of certain fungal diseases in turf.

Key features and benefits of Unizeb 750 DF Fungicide
  • Economical protection
  • 750g/kg mancozeb
  • Low to nil resistance risk due to multi-site activity.
  • An effective resistance management tool when rotated with other mode of action fungicides
  • Dry flowable formulation that disperses rapidly
  • Can be applied in tank mixes with a wide range of other chemicals and/or fertilisers
  • Highest standards in formulation quality
  • Excellent mixing properties
  • Important tool in IRM strategies
Application of Unizeb 750 DF Fungicide

Apply sufficient spray volume to wet all leaf surfaces to the point of runoff. The spray equipment should be adjusted so that the spray is evenly distributed, thoroughly covering all plant sufaces.

Directions for using Unizeb 750 DF Fungicide

Partly fill spray tank with water and agitate while adding this product slowly. Continue agitation after filling and during spraying to ensure spray mixture is uniform and to prevent product settling out. For low volume or aerial application prepare a slurry or premix when adding to the spray tank. Additional insecticides, fungicides, surfactants etc should be added after the product is in suspension. Rinse out spray tank pumps and nozzles at the end of the day.

Brand: UPL
MOA Group:
Group M3 Fungicide
Product Form:
Disease: Fusarium Patch, Helminthosporium Disease
Application Rate: 200-250g per 100m2
Active Ingredient: 750g/kg Mancozeb
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

