Specticle is a selective, pre-emergent herbicide that provides residual control of certain grass weeds on established warm-season turf. It provides up to 8 months of pre-emergent control in warm-season grasses and controls weeds by reducing the emergence of seedlings through inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis (CB inhibitor).

Specticle Herbicide needs to be activated prior to weed germination for most effective control. For maximum activity against germinating weeds, Specticle requires rainfall or irrigation prior to weed germination.

Key benefits of Specticle Herbicide
  • Superior turf quality and playability – A new standard of control of Poa annua, Crowsfoot Grass and Summer Grass in warm-season turf
  • Longer residual control – Specticle outperforms the competition, even in the most difficult conditions, without losing control late in the season, meaning fewer applications and reducing fuel, labour and pesticide costs
  • Easier application scheduling – The longer residual control with Specticle means a wider application window, giving more flexibility to turf managers to select the most appropriate application timing for their operation
  • A significant step for resistance management – Being a new mode of action for turf in Australia Specticle controls weeds, like Poa annua, that are known to have developed resistance to other commonly used herbicides. This makes Specticle one of the most effective tools in any turf manager’s arsenal
  • A significant reduction of herbicide placed in the environment – An application of Specticle applies up to 40 times less active ingredient per hectare than many competitive products
  • No concern about stains or odour – Specticle’s applicator-friendly formulation will not stain or leave odour behind after application
Brand: Envu
Pre-Emergent, Residual
Formulation Type:
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
MOA Group:
Group 29 Herbicide
Product Form:
Weed: Crowsfoot Grass, Summer Grass, Wintergrass
Application Rate: 2.5mL per 100m²
Active Ingredient: 200g/L Indaziflam
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

