Chipco GT is a broad-spectrum fungicide providing unsurpassed control of brown patch, dollar spot, various leafspots, and a variety of other turf diseases.

Trusted by superintendents for its long residual disease control – 14 days or longer. 

Provides rapid disease knock-down, even in high summer heat and humidity.​

Key features of Chipco GT Fungicide
  • Active Ingredient: 240 g/L iprodione
  • All-around, versatile fungicide
  • Preventative and curative disease control
  • Easy to tank-mix with other products
  • Faster knock-down than equivalent competitive products
  • Quicker turf recovery - begins knocking out mycelium in 24 hours
  • Chipco GT is a broad spectrum turf fungicide
Application rate and delivery of Chipcp GT Fungicide

Apply Chipco GT as part of an integrated management program on greens, tees, and fairways. Apply preventatively when conditions are favourable for disease. Chipco GT and Chipco Signature can be tank mixed for management of summer decline.

Check the pH of spray water as iprodione is rapidly broken down in alkaline conditions (pH must be below 7. A suitable registered buffering agent may have to be added to bring pH down).

Best practice guidelines for Chipcp GT Fungicide

1. Broad-Spectrum Disease Control: Chipco GT is registered for use on:

  • Brown Patch
  • Dollar Spot
  • Fusarium Patch
  • Spring Dead Spot
  • Helminthosporium disease

2. Preventative and Curative Activity: Chipco GT affects all phases of the development cycle of the fungi; Spore germination - this makes it an excellent protectant

  • Mycelial growth - this means it has a curative action. Chipco GT has limited systemic activity (acropetal).The curative activity is restricted to fungal growth on or very near the leaf surface.
  • Spore Production - reduces the spread of the disease.

3. Quick Knockdown: Within 24 hours of an application of Chipco GT you will see Dollar Spot and Brown Patch knockdown.

4. Fast Turf Recovery: Quicker disease knockdown allows turf to repair disease damage and recover more quickly.

5. Long Residual: Chipco GT is ideal for preventative disease control - providing at least 14 days residual control of a wide range of diseases.

6. Excellent Control: Chipco GT is the proven performer - it will deliver the results you want.

7. Tank mix compatibility options: Chipco GT and Signature® combination provide excellent control of Pythium, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, and other diseases associated with summer decline. They also improve turf quality and vigour which is essential in the management of summer decline

Please note that the registration of products to the Envu legal entity is currently in progress. In the meantime, Envu products will progressively transfer from Bayer to the Envu brand. You may observe product with packaging that belong to either Envu or Bayer during this transition.

Brand: Envu
Preventative, Curative
MOA Group:
Group 2 Fungicide
Product Form:
Broad Spectrum
Disease: Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Fusarium Patch, Spring Dead Spot, Helminthosporium Disease
Application Rate: 130-215mL per 100 m2
Active Ingredient: 240 g/L iprodione
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

