Helminthosporium Disease

  • Scientific Name: Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp...

Helminthosporium Disease

Causal Agent

Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp. and Exserohilum spp.

What is Helminthosporium disease?

Helminthosporium Disease is a complex of turfgrass diseases previously known as Helminthosporium leaf, crown and root disease.

What are the Symptoms of Helminthosporium disease?

Although the fungal symptoms of the Helminthosporium diseases are quite characteristic, the symptoms can vary greatly with each pathogen or host. General symptoms include:

  • Initial symptoms are small lesions on leaf blades.

  • Leaf tissues turn yellow around these lesions.

  • Severely infected leaves may die and appear light tan to straw-coloured.

  • On Couch, white or black blotching of the turfgrass surface appears. The blotches are irregular in shape and range from 2-6cm in diameter. The leaves and stems show lesions that are purple-black in colour.

  • Young seedlings may be killed by the disease, but mature plants will usually overcome the damage during favourable growing periods.

  • Typically, on cool season grasses and Kikuyu symptoms appear as very small (pinhead size), solid brown to purple coloured lesions or spots.

  • Severely infected leaves will eventually wither and dry to a light tan colour. 

What causes Helminthosporium Disease in Turfgrass?

Helminthosporium Disease can be caused by Dreschlera spp., Bipolaris spp. or Exserohilum spp.. 

Dreschlera spp. is capable of surviving unfavourable conditions as conidia (thick cell walled resting spores) or dormant mycelium. These conidia are spread predominantly by wind, rain or machinery and when conditions become ideal, the conidia germinate and infect plant tissue.

Bipolaris spp. and Exserohilum spp. survive adverse conditions by surviving in infected plant material and debris. When rainfall occurs, these fungi sporulate profusely and eventually gain entry to further plant tissue.

When does Helminthosporium Disease occur?

In general, conditions that are favourable for Helminthosporium disease include:

  • Temperatures between 3°C and 30°C.

  • 10+ hrs a day of leaf wetness for several consecutive days. Leaf moisture is required for infection.

  • Poor air movement (high humidity in the micro-climate).

  • Excessive nitrogen fertiliser.

  • Any stress situation such as drought, herbicide injury or heavy traffic can increase the severity of the disease.

What can I do to manage or control Helminthosporium Disease?

Management practices that can help control or reduce instances of helminthosporium disease include:

  • Maintain healthy turf through proper fertilisation. Pay particular attention to potassium and nitrogen levels.

  • Irrigate infrequently and deeply but avoid late afternoon or evening irrigations. Do not allow the turf to become extremely dry during warm weather.

  • Increase air movement and improve turf drainage.

  • Avoid herbicide applications during critical periods of disease activity.

  • Disperse traffic in high-traffic areas.

  • Mow turf at the recommended height for turf species.

For chemical solutions and treatments for Helminthosprium disease please see the recommended products below.

PRODUCT SOLUTIONS FOR Helminthosporium Disease

Lexicon Intrinsic Fungicide
Active: 167g/L fluxapyroxad, 333g/L pyraclostrobin

Lexicon delivers peak performance under pressure, optimising disease control and providing plants with longer, stronger roots and increased growth....

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Xzemplar™ Fungicide
Active: 300g/L Fluxapyroxad

Xzemplar™ is a turf fungicide offering advanced systemic movement of the active ingredient, Fluxapyroxad. Xzemplar combines a quick knockdown and...

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Chief Topflo Fungicide 5L
Active: 625g/l Iprodione

CHIEF® Topflo is a broad spectrum fungicide registered for the control of Brown Patch, Fusarium Patch, Leaf Spot, Spring Dead Spot and Helminthosp...

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Quali-Pro Compass Fungicide
Active: 500g/L fluazinam

Compass Fungicide is a premium, unique, multi-site contact, protectant fungicide, the only registered fungicide for turf in FRAC group 29.

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Quali-Pro Enclave Fungicide
Active: 365g/L chlorothalonil, 119g/l Iprodione, 119g/l Thiophanate methyl and 36g/L Tebuconazole

Quali-Pro Enclave is registered for the broad spectrum, eradicant, curative and preventative control of Brown Patch, Fusarium Patch, Anthracnose, D...

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Quali-Pro Evolution Fungicide
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 120g/L Azoxystrobin

Evolution Fungicide is a premium, fungicide mixture containing 120 g/L of the active ingredient Azoxystrobin and 200 g/L Tebuconazole.

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Banner Maxx Fungicide
Active: 155 g/L Propiconazole

Banner Maxx is early curative treatment, providing systemic broad-spectrum control of Dollar Spot, Winter Fusarium, and the ERI complex (Couchgrass...

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Daconil Weatherstik® Turf Fungicide
Active: 720g/L Chlorothalonil

Daconil Weather Stik is a contact fungicide that can be used in preventative programs. It can be used as an early curative after the first signs of...

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Heritage Maxx Fungicide
Active: 95g/l Azoxystrobin

Heritage Maxx combines systemic activity through xylem mobility, and translaminar movement to encourage multi-site uptake...

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Instrata Turf Fungicide
Active: 36.2% Chlorothalonil, 5.7% Propiconazole...

Instrata is an excellent choice for use in a preventative program or curatively after first symptoms are evident.

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Dedicate Forte Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 240g/l Tebuconazole

Dedicate FORTE Stressgard® is a broad-spectrum DMI fungicide containing tebuconazole (240 g/L) with Stressgard Formulation Technology, and control...

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Dedicate Turf and Ornamental Fungicide
Active: 100g/L Trifloxystrobin, 200g/L Tebuconazole

Dedicate turf fungicide contains two active ingredients with two different modes of action, providing curative and preventative control. It has a c...

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Exteris Stressgard Fungicide
12.5g/l Fluopyram, 12.5g/l Trifloxystrobin

Exteris Stressgard Fungicide provides outstanding broad-spectrum disease control, turf quality and application flexibility. Contains a unique SDHI ...

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Interface Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 256g/L iprodione, 16g/L trifloxystrobin

Interface with Stressgard Formulation Technology offers the new standard in turf protection and is Bayer’s most powerful turf fungicide to-date. ...

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Chipco GT Fungicide
240 g/L iprodione

Chipco GT is a broad-spectrum fungicide providing unsurpassed control of brown patch, dollar spot, various leafspots, and a variety of other t...

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Fore Rainshield Fungicide
Active: 480g/L Mancozeb

Fore Rainshield is a broad spectrum protectant fungicide containing 480g/L of the active ingredient Mancozeb...

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Transact 500 Fungicide
Active: 500g/L Iprodione

Transact 500 is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 500 g/L of the active constituent Iprodione. It is registered for the control of Brown Patch, Do...
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Transact Pro Fungicide
Active: 250g/L Iprodione

Transact Pro is a premium locally systemic, broad spectrum fungicide containing 250 g/L of active ingredient Iprodione.

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Thiram Liquid Fungicide
Active: 600g/L Thiram

Thiram Liquid Fungicide is a liquid suspension used as a foliar protectant and a seed treatment. Thiram Liquid Fungicide offers a control opti...

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Dek Liquid Fungicide 10L
Active: 420g/L Mancozeb

Liquid Dek is a contact fungicide that works by forming a protective barrier around the plant tissue (i.e. chemical barrier between the fungus and ...

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Unizeb 750 DF Fungicide
Active: 750g/kg Mancozeb

Unizeb 750DF Fungicide is a dry flowable preventative fungicide formulation for the control of certain fungal diseases in turf.

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Quali-Pro Evolution Advanced Fungicide
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 120g/L Azoxystrobin

Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance is a premium broad-spectrum fungicide containing 370 g/L Tebuconazole and 222 g/L Azoxystrobin. Building on the str...

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Azoxy 250 T&O Fungicide
Active: 250g/L Azoxystrobin

Azoxy 250 T&O Fungicide (active constituent Azoxystrobin) is an effective xylem systemic fungicide that delivers excellent protection for up to...

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