Grey Leaf Spot

  • Scientific Name: Pyricularia grisea

Grey Leaf Spot

Causal Agent

Pyricularia grisea

What is grey leaf spot?

Grey leaf spot is a turfgrass disease that often first appears as as tiny, brown leaf and stem lesions, which enlarge rapidly into round to oblong spots. However, symptoms of Grey Leaf Spot will vary depending on the grass cultivar. Grey Leaf Spot disease is often more severe in newly established planting with high nitrogen levels.

What are the symptoms of grey leaf spot?

The symptoms of Grey Leaf Spot will vary depending on the grass cultivar. However, some general symptoms include:

  • Grey Leaf Spot first appears as tiny, brown leaf and stem lesions, which enlarge rapidly into round to oblong spots.

  • The largest spots may extend nearly across the entire leaf and become a bluish-grey in colour. 

  • Mature lesions are tan to grey with purple to brown borders. 

  • A halo or general chlorosis may occur around or near spots. 

  • The spots may be covered with a grey mould during periods of warm, humid weather. 

  • When the disease is severe, the entire planting may appear scorched as if it were suffering from severe drought.

What turfgrasses are particularly susceptible to grey leaf spot?

All turf species, especially Buffalo grass, Ryegrass and Kikuyu are susceptible to grey leaf spot.

When does grey leaf spot occur?

The general conditions favouring grey leaf spot are:

  • Grey Leaf Spot is most severe during warm, humid weather.

  • Temperatures between 25°C to 30°C.

  • When turfgrasses are stressed by various factors, including drought, soil compaction and excessive nitrogen.

What can I do to manage and control grey leaf spot?

Management practices that can help control or reduce instances of grey leaf spot include:

  • Avoid medium to high nitrogen levels during midsummer. 

  • Irrigate turf deeply and as infrequently as possible to avoid water stress. 

  • Allow water to remain on leaves for only a short period of time. 

  • Reduce thatch by vertical cutting. 

  • Prevent compaction of the soil. 

  • When possible, plant turfgrass that is resistant to Grey Leaf Spot.

  • Avoid using herbicides or plant growth regulators when the disease is active.

For chemical solutions and treatments for Grey Leaf Spot, please see the recommended products below.


Lexicon Intrinsic Fungicide
Active: 167g/L fluxapyroxad, 333g/L pyraclostrobin

Lexicon delivers peak performance under pressure, optimising disease control and providing plants with longer, stronger roots and increased growth....

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Xzemplar™ Fungicide
Active: 300g/L Fluxapyroxad

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Quali-Pro Compass Fungicide
Active: 500g/L fluazinam

Compass Fungicide is a premium, unique, multi-site contact, protectant fungicide, the only registered fungicide for turf in FRAC group 29.

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Quali-Pro Enclave Fungicide
Active: 365g/L chlorothalonil, 119g/l Iprodione, 119g/l Thiophanate methyl and 36g/L Tebuconazole

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Heritage Maxx Fungicide
Active: 95g/l Azoxystrobin

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Dedicate Forte Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 240g/l Tebuconazole

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Exteris Stressgard Fungicide
12.5g/l Fluopyram, 12.5g/l Trifloxystrobin

Exteris Stressgard Fungicide provides outstanding broad-spectrum disease control, turf quality and application flexibility. Contains a unique SDHI ...

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Interface Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 256g/L iprodione, 16g/L trifloxystrobin

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Reserve Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 720g/L Chlorothalonil

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Chloronil Pro Fungicide
Active: 750g/L Chlorothalonil

Chloronil Pro Fungicide is a broad spectrum, contact or protectant fungicide for the control of a range of diseases fruit, vegetables and turf. It ...

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Vantage Fungicide
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Azoxy 250 T&O Fungicide
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