
As turfgrass is subject to pests such as weeds, diseases and insects, it is imperative to understand the best methods of controlling these factors in order to mitigate the damage caused. Maintaining the best pest management program involves regular mon... Read More

There are 157 products
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Medallion Turf Fungicide
Active: 125g/l Fludioxonil

Medallion Turf Fungicide offers contact plus – exceptional spore busting capabilities on the leaf, in the thatch, and on the soil surface.

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Pennmag Herbicide
Active: 960g/L s-metolachlor

Pennmag Turf Herbicide delivers effective control of various broadleaf weeds and grasses through an optimised formulation (S-metolachlor).

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Posterity Turf Fungicide
Active: 200g/l Pydiflumetofen

Posterity delivers exceptional Dollar Spot control and is a great option to add to your tank mix to deal with this difficult-to-control disease.

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Primo 250 EC Turf Growth Regulator
Active: 250g/L Trinexapac Ethyl

Primo 250 EC is used for the reduction of leaf and stem growth of grass species, as an aid in turf and Wintergrass management

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Provaunt Insecticide
Active: 200g/kg Indoxacarb

Provaunt targets and destroys the lifecycle of Argentine Stem Weevils (ASW). It targets and destroys both adult and larvae (only APVMA registration), including the critical 3rd and 4th Instars.

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Reglone Herbicide 20L
Active: 200g/L Diquat

Reglone is a non selective contact herbicide and is a fast-acting non-volatile, aqueous solution providing unrivalled speed of kill in the destruction of green plant tissue. Reglone interferes with the process of photosynthesis…

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Spinner Insecticide
Active: 200g/kg Cyantraniliprole, 200g/kg...

Spinner turf insecticide is a highly systemic insecticide providing rapid control of insect larvae and including Stem Weevil.

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Subdue Maxx Fungicide
Active: 240g/L Metalaxyl-M

Subdue Maxx is a systemic and residual fungicide providing up to 21 days control, making it ideal for the control of Pythium Root and Crown Rot in turf.

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Velista Turf Fungicide
Active: 500 g/kg Penthiopyrad

Velista is a powerful broad spectrum fungicide that can be used all year round and can be trusted to keep your turf in excellent condition especially when high temperatures and high humidity hit your facility.

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Barricade Turf Herbicide
Active: 480g/L Prodiamine

Barricade is a pre-emergent herbicide offering extended residual activity on Winter Grass, Summer Grass, Crowsfoot on a range of turf surfaces.

* Pack:
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Banol Fungicide
Active: 600g/L Propamocarb

Banol Systemic Fungicide is one of the most reliable and proven fungicides for Pythium control.

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Casper Turf Herbicide
Active: 500g/kg Dicamba, 50g/kg Prosulfuron

Casper is a selective post-emergent herbicide specifically formulated for use on turf for the effective control of broad leaf weeds.

* Pack:
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Dedicate Forte Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 240g/l Tebuconazole

Dedicate FORTE Stressgard® is a broad-spectrum DMI fungicide containing tebuconazole (240 g/L) with Stressgard Formulation Technology, and controls tough soil-borne and foliar fungal diseases in both cool and warm season turfgrass.

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Dedicate Turf and Ornamental Fungicide
Active: 100g/L Trifloxystrobin, 200g/L Tebuconazole

Dedicate turf fungicide contains two active ingredients with two different modes of action, providing curative and preventative control. It has a contact and systemic action in turf which provides broad spectrum control.

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Destiny Herbicide
Active: 100g/kg Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium

Destiny® is a selective turf herbicide that offers selective grass and broadleaf weed control.

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