Enhance your turf's visual impact and aesthetic with Nuturf's range of turf paints, colourants, and pigments. Turf pigments can be used to give your grass that extra boost of colour and uniformity when your playing surfaces are lacking their deep, natu... Read More
Quali-Pro Foursome Turf Pigment
Quali-Pro Foursome is a concentrated copper phthalocyanine based pigment that contains an in-built adjuvant package within the formulation.
Ryder® Turf Pigment
Ryder® Turf Pigment is a green pigment for use on managed turf to improve its appearance and to help protect against UV radiation and excessive light intensities.
Green Lawnger Turf Paint
Green Lawnger restores the natural green colour to turf during dormant periods. Green Lawnger may also be pre-applied to divot mix sand, giving the mix a natural green colour.
Big Red Spray Marker Dye & Foam
Big Red Spray Marker Dye is a red marker dye to assist in the identification of sprayed areas. A convenient, economical method of minimising spray wastage.
Big Foot Blue Turf Colourant
Big Foot Blue is a blue turf grass spray pattern indicator which allows accurate and economical application of chemicals. It is a non staining and biodegradable substance.
White Marking Foam
White Marking Foam is a concentrated foam liquid for use through foam generating devices to identify broadacre spray swath width (i.e. boom spraying applications).