Pythium Leaf Blight

  • Scientific Name: Pythium spp.

Pythium Leaf Blight / Damping Off

Causal Agent

Pythium spp.

What is Pythium Leaf Blight?

Pythium leaf blight or 'Damping Off' is a turfgrass disease caused by Pythium spp. This disease can appear suddenly during hot, humid weather and the patches of affected grass can enlarge at a rapid rate. When affected by Pythium Leaf Blight, early morning grass can appear water-soaked and in dark patches. These infected leaves become light tan to brown and shrivelled and matted when dry.

Excessive moisture is required before Pythium spp. can cause extensive damage and the disease may be more severe in alkaline soils than acidic soils.

What are the Symptoms of Pythium Leaf Blight?

Symptoms of Pythium Leaf Blight include:

  • Infected patches of grass can enlarge at a rapid rate. 

  • In the early morning, grass leaves appear water-soaked and dark in patches. 

  • When rubbed between the fingers, these water-soaked patches feel oily. 

  • Infected leaves become light tan to brown, shrivelled and matted when dry. 

  • When humidity remains high, especially at night, the collapsed leaves become matted and covered with a fluffy white mass of fungal mycelium

What turfgrass are especially susceptible to Pythium Leaf Blight?

Cool and warm season turfgrass species are particularly susceptible to Pythium Leaf Blight.

When does Pythium Leaf Blight Occur?

Conditions that favour pythium leaf blight are:

  • Hot days (30-35°C), humid or rainy weather when night temperatures are warm (above 20°C).

  • Relative humidity exceeding 90% for at least 14 hours and a minimum temperature not falling below 20°C.

  • Lush, dense grass growing under high nitrogen fertility is especially susceptible to attack.

  • Turf areas with poor drainage and air circulation.

What can I do to manage or control Pythium Leaf Blight?

Management practices that can help control or reduce instances of Pythium leaf blight include:

  • When establishing a new area, provide for good surface and subsurface drainage. 

  • Avoid over-watering new plantings, and avoid watering late in the day. 

  • On established turf water early in the day. Water infrequently and deeply. 

  • Removal of excessive thatch. 

  • Do not over fertiliser turf with nitrogen. 

  • Avoid mowing during moist, hot weather. 

  • Promote good light penetration into the turf canopy. 

  • Increase air circulation to speed the drying process of the turf.

For chemical solutions and treatments for Pythium leaf blight, please see the recommended products below.


Lexicon Intrinsic Fungicide
Active: 167g/L fluxapyroxad, 333g/L pyraclostrobin

Lexicon delivers peak performance under pressure, optimising disease control and providing plants with longer, stronger roots and increased growth....

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Captan 800 WG Fungicide
Active: 800g/kg Captan

Captan 800 WG controls a broad spectrum of diseases in turf, ornamentals as well as a range of crops including apples, almonds, grapes, pears, pist...

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Quali-Pro Compass Fungicide
Active: 500g/L fluazinam

Compass Fungicide is a premium, unique, multi-site contact, protectant fungicide, the only registered fungicide for turf in FRAC group 29.

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Magellan 800WG Fungicide
Active: 800g/kg Fosetyl-aluminium

Magellan Fungicide is a targeted oomycete fungicide for the prevention and control of Phytophthora rots in ornamentals and Pythium in turf as speci...

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Triumph 240 Fungicide
Active: 240g/L Metalaxyl-M

Triumph 240 fungicide is a targeted Pythium fungicide registered for the control of Pythium Leaf Blight, Pythium Root Rot and Damping Off.

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Headway Maxx Fungicide
Active: 62g/l Azoxystrobin, 104g/l Propiconazole

Headway Maxx combines the strength, longevity and broad spectrum of Heritage Maxx with the speed and early curative action of Banner Maxx in an unb...

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Heritage Maxx Fungicide
Active: 95g/l Azoxystrobin

Heritage Maxx combines systemic activity through xylem mobility, and translaminar movement to encourage multi-site uptake...

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Subdue Maxx Fungicide
Active: 240g/L Metalaxyl-M

Subdue Maxx is a systemic and residual fungicide providing up to 21 days control, making it ideal for the control of Pythium Root and Crown Rot in ...

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Banol Fungicide
Active: 600g/L Propamocarb

Banol Systemic Fungicide is one of the most reliable and proven fungicides for Pythium control.

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Mayfair Fungicide
Active: 240g/L metalaxyl-M

Mayfair Fungicide is a Liquid ME (Micro Emulsion) formulation that contains 240 g/L metalaxyl-M, for the control of Pythium in turf.. Mayfair ...

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Impala Fungicide
Active: 96g/l Azoxystrobin, 194g/l Triticonazole

Impala is formulated for broad spectrum control of fungal diseases in turf.

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Nobility Systemic Fungicide
Active: 800g/kg fosetyl-aluminium

Nobility Systemic Fungicide should be used preventively for the control of Pythium diseases in turf. Nobility Systemic Fungicide is ...

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Segway 400SC Fungicide
Active: 400g/L cyazofamid

Segway 400SC fungicide from ISK Biosciences is a revolutionary new fungicide, providing Australian turf managers with a reliable new tool in the fi...

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Vantage Fungicide
Active: 95g/L Azoxystrobin

Vantage fungicide is a broad spectrum, systemic fungicide containing 95 g/L of the active constituent Azoxystrobin, a trusted chemistry for Austral...

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Azoxy 250 T&O Fungicide
Active: 250g/L Azoxystrobin

Azoxy 250 T&O Fungicide (active constituent Azoxystrobin) is an effective xylem systemic fungicide that delivers excellent protection for up to...

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Quali-Pro Triumph Advance
800 g/L Metalaxyl-M

Quali-Pro Triumph Advance is a contact and systemic fungicide registered for the control of pythium (leaf blight, root rot and seedling dampin...

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