
  • Scientific Name: Poa annua


Scientific Name:

Poa annua

What is Winter Grass?

Winter Grass is a grassy winter annual with perennial and biennial bio-types observed in some regions. Light green in colour with a tufted growth habit and a white panicle inflorescence germinating from late winter throughout spring and summer. Winter Grass leaf blades possess a folded venation with a long ligule and boat shaped leaf tips that curl up at the ends.

Winter Grass is a highly adaptive weed that can thrive in shaded areas and full sun depending on moisture conditions. It tolerates low mowing heights and can persist in golf greens all year round. Winter Grass plants reach maturity quickly and seed profusely making them an aggressive weed that can be difficult to control.



Stomp Xtra Herbicide
Active: 455g/L Pendimethalin

A selective pre-emergent herbicide for the control of wireweed, annual grasses (including annual ryegrass) and certain broadleafed weeds in various...

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Simplex 500 SC Herbicide
Active: 500g/L Simazine

Simplex 500 SC is a pre and post-emergent herbicide containing 500 g/L of the active ingredient Simazine. Simplex 500 SC is registered for the...

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Quali-Pro Negate Herbicide
Active: 167g/kg Rimsulfuron, 200g/kg Metsulfuron-methyl

Quali-Pro Negate is a unique dual powered post-emergent for grassy and broadleaf weed control in established warm season turf grass.

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Barricade Turf Herbicide
Active: 480g/L Prodiamine

Barricade is a pre-emergent herbicide offering extended residual activity on Winter Grass, Summer Grass, Crowsfoot on a range of turf surfaces.

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Monument Herbicide
Active: 100g/L Trifloxysulfuron sodium, 680g/L...

Monument Herbicide provides post emergent control of Winter Grass, Ryegrass, Bindii, Clover, Mullumbimby Couch, Burr Medic and Nutgrass and suppres...

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Pennmag Herbicide
Active: 960g/L s-metolachlor

Pennmag Turf Herbicide delivers effective control of various broadleaf weeds and grasses through an optimised formulation (S-metolachlor).

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Ronstar Herbicide
Active: 20g/kg Oxadiazon

Ronstar is a selective, granular, pre-emergent herbicide that controls certain weeds in woody ornamental shrubs and trees in nurseries.

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Specticle Herbicide
Active: 200g/L Indaziflam

Specticle is a selective, pre-emergent herbicide that provides residual control of certain grass weeds on established warm-season turf.

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Tribute Selective Turf Herbicide
Active: 22.5g/L Foramsulfuron

Tribute herbicide is one of the most effective post emergence herbicide available to control cool season grasses and Crowsfoot Grass in Couchgrass....

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Freehand Herbicide
Active: 10g/kg pendimethalin, 7.5g/kg...

Freehand is a pre-emergent, granular herbicide for the control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. Freehand's unique active inhibits cell growth in seed...

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The Andersons OxaMAX 18-10-9 Herbicide and Fertiliser
18% N, 10.4% P, 9.9% K, 0.8% S

OxaMAX contains the active constituent 10g/L Oxadiazon and the added benefits of a fertiliser containing an N:P:K of 18-10-9.

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The Andersons OxaPro 15-2-8 Herbicide and Fertiliser
15% N, 2% P, 8% K + 40% NX-52 slow release N

OxaPro is a combination herbicide and premium controlled release fertiliser for the pre-emergent control of wintergrass, summergrass and crabgrass ...

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The Andersons Pendi-Pro 22-0-5 Fertiliser and Herbicide
22% N, 5% K, 3.5% S + 40% NS-52 slow release N

Pendi-Pro is a combination herbicide and premium controlled release fertiliser for the pre-emergent control of wintergrass, summergrass, crabgrass,...

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Armoury Herbicide
Active: 150g/L Imazapry, 150g/L Glyphosate

Armoury Herbicide is the ideal knockdown and residual control of various annual and perennial weeds in non-crop, commercial, industrial, public ser...

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Dimension EW Herbicide
Active: 240g/L Dithiopyr

Dimension EW Herbicide is unique water based, solvent free, non-staining and low odour formulation. Dimension EW offers outstanding pre and post em...

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DithioMAX 19-0-5 Fertiliser Plus Dimension Herbicide
19% N, 4.9% K, 4.4% S

DithioMAX Fertiliser plus Dimension Herbicide is a selective pre-emergent weed control of summer grass and certain other grasses and broadleaf weed...

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DSMA Clear Herbicide
Active: 220g/L DSMA

DSMA Clear provides effective control of Paspalum, Summer Grass, Mullumbimby Couch and other sedges in Common Couch, Bent and Fescue lawns. DSMA Cl...

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Ethic 480 Turfgrass Growth Regulator
480g/l Ethephon

Ethic 480 is a plant growth regulator containing 480g/L of the active ingredient Ethephon. It is registered for the control of wintergrass (Poa ann...

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Meteor Herbicide
Active: 960g/l Metolachlor

Meteor Herbicide from Amgrow is a new generation pre-emergent herbicide containing 960 g/L of the active ingredient metolachlor. Meteor Herbicide p...

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Nominee Herbicide
Active: 100g/l Bispyribac-sodium

Nominee is a post-emergent herbicide that will selectively control Winter Grass (Poa annua) and suppress Winter Grass seedheads in Bent Grass golf ...

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Pac-Down Plant Growth Regulator
Active: 250g/L Paclobutrazol

Pac-Down is a suspension concentrate formulation for spray application under dilution with water for the suppression of Winter Grass (Poa annua...

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Poachek Herbicide
Active: 175g/L Endothal

Poachek is for the selective control of annual winter grass in blue couch, common couch, bent, buffalo grass, and brown top turf and lawns.

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Pronamide Herbicide
Active: 500g/L Propyzamide

Pronamide is a 50% Propyzamide formulation, providing a highly effective pre and post emergent control of Winter Grass.

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XTRON 700WG Herbicide
Active: 700g/kg Amicarbazone

XTRON 700WG Herbicide from Arysta Life Sciences is an innovative new herbicide that is a game changer in the fight against Wintergrass (Poa annua) ...

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Clear Up Bio 360 Herbicide
Active: 360g/L Glyphosate (IPA Salt)

Clear Up Bio 360 Bi-Aquatic is a non selective herbicide containing 360g/L of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of an ...

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Coliseum Herbicide
Active: 250g/kg Rimsulfuron

Coliseum provides post-emergent control of Winter Grass in Couch turf surfaces. Coliseum has very good root uptake and can be washed in o...

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Roundup Bi-Active Herbicide
Active: 360g/L Glyphosate

Roundup Biactive is a non-selective herbicide that has been specifically formulated for use in environmentally sensitive areas, for control of a br...

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Apparent Sci-Fi Herbicide
Active: 500g/L Ethofumesate

Apparent Sci-Fi is a selective herbicide formulated for the control of Wintergrass in a variety of established turf grasses including Bentgras...

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Tour Ornamental Herbicide
Active: 20g/kg Oxyfluorfen, 10g/kg Oryzalin

Tour Ornamental Herbicide is a safe, effective and economical pre-emergent herbicide that controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf and grassy weeds.<...

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Conquer 100WG Selective Herbicide
Active: 100g/kg Iodosulfuron-Methyl-Sodium

Conquer 100WG Selective Herbicide contains 100g/kg of the active ingredient Iodosulfuron-methyl sodium and is registered for the controls a variety...

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