Perfect your surfaces with Nuturf's suite of professional turf management solutions. Our range includes everything you need to nourish, protect and nurture your turf.
Marvel 175EC Plant Growth Regulator
Marvel 175EC is a unique plant growth regulator containing a longer chain fatty acid adjuvant than the regular EC formulations to enhance uptake,
Black Label Pro+ Elite 25-0-13 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro+ Elite 25-0-13 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser, containing upfront and multiple controlled release sources of nitrogen for optimum turf growth.
Black Label Pro+ Extend 30-0-7 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro+ Extend 30-0-7 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser, with upfront and multiple controlled release nitrogen for optimum release rate.
Patriot Fungicide
Patriot Fungicide is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 100 g/L of the active ingredient Trifloxystrobin and 200 g/L Tebuconazole.
Quali-Pro Crest Herbicide
QualiPro Crest is a powerful systemic, multi‐active broadleaf herbicide with excellent turf safety characteristics.
Black Label Pro+ Strength 22-0-19 Fertiliser
Black Label Pro+ Strength 22-0-19 is a premium 150 SGN mini prill sports turf fertiliser with upfront and multiple controlled release sources of nitrogen for optimum turf growth.
Quali-Pro Enclave Fungicide
Quali-Pro Enclave is registered for the broad spectrum, eradicant, curative and preventative control of Brown Patch, Fusarium Patch, Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium, Grey Leaf Spot and Spring Dead Spot in all recreational turf...
Noculate Complete Fertiliser
Noculate Complete is a biologically boosted greens grade fertiliser designed to address both biological and chemical needs of soil nutrition.
Noculate Liquid Microbial Inoculant
Noculate Liquid contains 24 strains of beneficial soil micro-organisms, humic acid, kelp, essential amino acids, vitamins, biotin, folic acid.
What is the Noculate range?
Noculate is Nuturf’s biologically...
Quali-Pro Evolution Fungicide
Evolution Fungicide is a premium, fungicide mixture containing 120 g/L of the active ingredient Azoxystrobin and 200 g/L Tebuconazole.
Quali-Pro Foursome Turf Pigment
Quali-Pro Foursome is a concentrated copper phthalocyanine based pigment that contains an in-built adjuvant package within the formulation.
Noculate Starter Fertiliser
Noculate Starter, for use either as a starter fertiliser for new turf or as a maintenance fertiliser on greens, tees and other high quality turf areas when high levels of phosphorus are needed.
Noculate XN Fertiliser
Noculate XN is a high nitrogen fertiliser designed to provide extra nitrogen when elevated growth is required
Quali-Pro Marvel Ultra Plant Growth Regulator
Marvel Ultra Plant Growth Regulator is a micro-emulsion formulation possessing a patented, unique emulsifier which enhances product stability, improves rainfastness, spread, coverage and movement of trinexapac ethyl into the plant.
Quali-Pro Negate Herbicide
Quali-Pro Negate is a unique dual powered post-emergent for grassy and broadleaf weed control in established warm season turf grass.