
As turfgrass is subject to pests such as weeds, diseases and insects, it is imperative to understand the best methods of controlling these factors in order to mitigate the damage caused. Maintaining the best pest management program involves regular mon... Read More

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Esplanade Herbicide
500g/L Indaziflam

Esplanade Herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide that offers long-lasting control of over 30 species of annual grass and broadleaf weeds and sedges at a low application rate.

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Exteris Stressgard Fungicide
12.5g/l Fluopyram, 12.5g/l Trifloxystrobin

Exteris Stressgard Fungicide provides outstanding broad-spectrum disease control, turf quality and application flexibility. Contains a unique SDHI active ingredient as well as new Leaf-Cote technology to improve spray droplet coverage and...

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Monument Herbicide
Active: 100g/L Trifloxysulfuron sodium, 680g/L...

Monument Herbicide provides post emergent control of Winter Grass, Ryegrass, Bindii, Clover, Mullumbimby Couch, Burr Medic and Nutgrass and suppression of Kikuyu and Bahia Grass seedheads in a range of warm season grasses.

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Indemnify Turf Nematicide
Active: 400g/l Fluopyram

Indemnify is a next-generation nematicide that controls key plant parasitic nematodes in turfgrass. It improves root growth and overall turfgrass health, translating to better playability with improved wear tolerance.

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Initiator Systemic Plant Insecticide
Active: 200 g/kg Imidacloprid

Initiator Systemic Plant Insecticide plus Fertiliser from Bayer. Initiator tablets provide enhanced growth and long-lasting protection against the damage caused by various insects that attack containerised, newly planted and established...

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Interface Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 256g/L iprodione, 16g/L trifloxystrobin

Interface with Stressgard Formulation Technology offers the new standard in turf protection and is Bayer’s most powerful turf fungicide to-date. It manages disease stress leading to improved turf quality and playability.

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Reserve Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 720g/L Chlorothalonil

Reserve Stressgard turf fungicide is a contact and protectant fungicide for the control of fungal diseases in turf.

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Ronstar Herbicide
Active: 20g/kg Oxadiazon

Ronstar is a selective, granular, pre-emergent herbicide that controls certain weeds in woody ornamental shrubs and trees in nurseries.

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Signature Xtra Stressgard Fungicide
Active: 600g/kg Fosetyl-Aluminium

Signature Xtra Stressgard is a true systemic fungicide that controls tough turf diseases – pythium and anthracnose, as well as enhancing turf health and minimising turf stress.

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Spearhead Herbicide
Active: 15g/l diflufenican, 20g/l clopyralid, 300g/l...

Spearhead is the industry leading selective herbicide that provides outstanding control of broadleaf weeds in turf.

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Specticle Herbicide
Active: 200g/L Indaziflam

Specticle is a selective, pre-emergent herbicide that provides residual control of certain grass weeds on established warm-season turf.

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Tempo XTRA Insecticide
Active: 50g/L Imidacloprid, 25g/L Beta-cyfluthrin

Tempo XTRA is a unique dual mode of action insecticide designed to control tough pests in Turf and Ornamental situations.

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Tetrino Turf Insecticide
Active: 42.8g/l Tetraniliprole

Tetrino Turf Insecticide controls insect pets in turf including on golf courses, sports fields, bowling greens, race tracks, recreational lawns and turf farms.

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Arsenal Super Herbicide
Active: 240g/l imazapyr

Arsenal Super Herbicide is a low-volume knockdown and residual herbicide ideal for long-term grass and broadleaf weed control beside roads and in numerous other situations managed by councils

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Drive XL Herbicide
Active: 180g/l Quinclorac and 565.5g/L Ethylene glycol

Drive XL post-emergent herbicide, safely and effectively controls White Clover and Summergrass. Drive XL is also registered for suppression of Kikuyu in both warm and cool season turf.

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