
  • Scientific Name: Conyza spp.


Scientific Name:

Conyza spp.

What is Fleabane?

Fleabane is a tall growing dicot with a tough, hairy stem which becomes harder and of a woody consistency as the plant matures. Leaves are alternately arranged and are dark green in colour with toothed margins and fine hairs coating the surface. When immature or when existing in closely mown turf the Fleabane plant initially appears as a flat, rosette like weed, however as it matures the stem lengthens with leaves forming around the entirety of the stem.

Fleabane is usually a summer annual but sometimes occurs during the winter months. In spring and autumn large clumps of flowers will form around the top of the tall stem, forming fluffy clusters as seeds begin to form. Fleabane is an extremely difficult to control weed due to its tough woody nature and hairy leaves. It is often found growing in turf or in sandy or disturbed soils. 


3D Herbicide
Active: 192g/L Bentazone, 112g/L MCPA, 19g/L Dicamba

3D Herbicide is for the control of Mullumbimby Couch and Broadleaf Weeds in Turf as per the Directions for Use

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Bronco MA-X Herbicide
Active: 280g/L Bromoxynil, 280g/L MCPA

BRONCO® MA-X is a selective, post-emergent broadleaf weed herbicide, registered for use on a range of established turfgrass species including Couc...

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Cutlass® M Herbicide
Active: 340g/L MCPA, 80g/L Dicamba

Cutlass® M is a selective systemic herbicide containing dicamba and MCPA. Controls annual and perennial broadleaved weeds...

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Casper Turf Herbicide
Active: 500g/kg Dicamba, 50g/kg Prosulfuron

Casper is a selective post-emergent herbicide specifically formulated for use on turf for the effective control of broad leaf weeds.

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Arsenal Super Herbicide
Active: 240g/l imazapyr

Arsenal Super Herbicide is a low-volume knockdown and residual herbicide ideal for long-term grass and broadleaf weed control beside roads and in n...

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Freehand Herbicide
Active: 10g/kg pendimethalin, 7.5g/kg...

Freehand is a pre-emergent, granular herbicide for the control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. Freehand's unique active inhibits cell growth in seed...

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Armoury Herbicide
Active: 150g/L Imazapry, 150g/L Glyphosate

Armoury Herbicide is the ideal knockdown and residual control of various annual and perennial weeds in non-crop, commercial, industrial, public ser...

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Bioweed Organic Herbicide
Active: 680g/L pine oil

Bioweed Organic is a new generation in knockdown and pre-emergent weed control. Australian certified organic, NASAA certified organic and APVMA app...

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Double Time Herbicide
Active: 340g/L MCPA, 80g/L Dicamba

Double Time broad spectrum selective herbicide offers reliable control of Clovers and a wide range of broadleaf weeds in most turf situations. Doub...

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Triple Time Herbicide
Active: 280g/L MCPA, 140g/L Bromoxynil, 40g/L Dicamba

Triple Time is a three way combination herbicide to provide broad spectrum control of broadleaf weeds. Triple Time’s formulation is effectively f...

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Unimaz Herbicide
Active: 250g/L Imazapyr

Unimaz is a long term residual, broad spectrum herbicide ideal for fence lines, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas. Unimaz is ideal for...

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Cutlass® 500 Herbicide 10L
Active: 500g/L Dicamba

Cutlass® 500 selective herbicide controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush species in fallow, grass pastures...

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Tour Ornamental Herbicide
Active: 20g/kg Oxyfluorfen, 10g/kg Oryzalin

Tour Ornamental Herbicide is a safe, effective and economical pre-emergent herbicide that controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf and grassy weeds.<...

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Victory IVM Herbicide
Active: 750g/kg Clopyralid

Victory® IVM Herbicide contains 750 g/kg clopyralid present in the form of potassium salt. The product is available in a WDG (WaterDispersible Gra...

Pack: 2kg
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Pylex Herbicide
Active: 336g/L Topramezone

Pylex is a herbicide used for the safe and efficient removal of broadleaf weed species and warm season turf species, including Buffalo grass, Kikuy...

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