
There are 31 products
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Reglone Herbicide 20L
Active: 200g/L Diquat

Reglone is a non selective contact herbicide and is a fast-acting non-volatile, aqueous solution providing unrivalled speed of kill in the destruction of green plant tissue. Reglone interferes with the process of photosynthesis…

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Spinner Insecticide
Active: 200g/kg Cyantraniliprole, 200g/kg...

Spinner turf insecticide is a highly systemic insecticide providing rapid control of insect larvae and including Stem Weevil.

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Subdue Maxx Fungicide
Active: 240g/L Metalaxyl-M

Subdue Maxx is a systemic and residual fungicide providing up to 21 days control, making it ideal for the control of Pythium Root and Crown Rot in turf.

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Velista Turf Fungicide
Active: 500 g/kg Penthiopyrad

Velista is a powerful broad spectrum fungicide that can be used all year round and can be trusted to keep your turf in excellent condition especially when high temperatures and high humidity hit your facility.

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Barricade Turf Herbicide
Active: 480g/L Prodiamine

Barricade is a pre-emergent herbicide offering extended residual activity on Winter Grass, Summer Grass, Crowsfoot on a range of turf surfaces.

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Casper Turf Herbicide
Active: 500g/kg Dicamba, 50g/kg Prosulfuron

Casper is a selective post-emergent herbicide specifically formulated for use on turf for the effective control of broad leaf weeds.

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Monument Herbicide
Active: 100g/L Trifloxysulfuron sodium, 680g/L...

Monument Herbicide provides post emergent control of Winter Grass, Ryegrass, Bindii, Clover, Mullumbimby Couch, Burr Medic and Nutgrass and suppression of Kikuyu and Bahia Grass seedheads in a range of warm season grasses.

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Ryder® Turf Pigment
Improved turf appearance and UV protection

Ryder® Turf Pigment is a green pigment for use on managed turf to improve its appearance and to help protect against UV radiation and excessive light intensities.

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Meridian Insecticide
Active: 250g/kg Thiamethoxam

Meridian insecticide is a water dispersible granule that provides effective control on a wide variety of insects and grubs, killing through both contact and ingestion.

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Trimmit Growth Regulator
Active: 250 g/L Paclobutrazol

TRIMMIT Growth Regulator reduces hedge regrowth by up to 90%, helping you achieve a better looking, more uniform hedge with less maintenance.

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Banner Fairway Fungicide
Active: 250 g/L propiconazole

Banner Fairway is a fungicide registered for the control of control of Spring Dead Spot in Couch and Dollar Spot in Bent Grass and Queensland Blue Couch.

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Primo MAXX II Turf Growth Regulator
Active: 116.39 g/L Trinexapac-Ethyl

Primo Maxx II turf growth regulator is a new generation, new and improved formulation of the active ingredient - trinexapac-ethyl. Primo MAXX II is a turf growth regulator that improves turf thickness, uniformity and health, providing a...

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Fusilade Forte 128 EC Herbicide
Active: 128g/L fluazifop-P

Fusilade Forte 128 EC is a highly effective and rapidly absorbed selective herbicide designed to control both annual and perennial grasses. Fusilade Forte maintains all the benefits of Fusilade FC plus the unique ‘isolink’...

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Hicure Biostimulant
A liquid plant biostimulant based on amino acids and peptides

HICURE® is a highly concentrated HICURE® is a highly concentrated biostimulant for the turf grass industry consisting of amino acids and peptides. HICURE® supports natural processes within the plant, as well as enhancing plant performance...

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Trefinti Turf Nematicide

Trefinti Turf Nematicide is a specialised product developed by Syngenta for managing harmful nematodes and diseases in turfgrass.

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Showing 15 - 30 of 31 items
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

