
As turfgrass is subject to pests such as weeds, diseases and insects, it is imperative to understand the best methods of controlling these factors in order to mitigate the damage caused. Maintaining the best pest management program involves regular mon... Read More

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Bow & Arrow Herbicide
Active: 20g/L clopyralid, 15g/L diflufenican, 300g/L MCPA

Bow & Arrow Herbicide is the standard for broadleaf weed control in the Australian turf industry. The effect of Bow & Arrow Herbicide is slower than other broadleaf herbicides but the ultimate result is more effective, with no...

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Active: 880g/kg Terbacil, 40g/kg Sulfometuron Methyl

A broad spectrum herbicide for the control of a range of annual and perennial weeds in a range of commercial and industrial situations.

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Terrazole 350 WP
Active: 350g/kg Etridiazole

Terrazole 350 WP is an effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of damping-off, root rot and stem diseases caused by pythium and phytophthora species in ornamentals and turf.

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Fusilade Forte 128 EC Herbicide
Active: 128g/L fluazifop-P

Fusilade Forte 128 EC is a highly effective and rapidly absorbed selective herbicide designed to control both annual and perennial grasses. Fusilade Forte maintains all the benefits of Fusilade FC plus the unique ‘isolink’...

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BiForce Granular Insecticide
Active: 2g/kg Bifenthrin

Biforce Granular Insecticide is a convenient, ready to use contact residual granular insecticide for external control of ants, fleas and ticks in areas such as gardens, lawns, around BBQs and other external surrounds of buildings and...

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Starane Advanced
Active: 333g/L Fluroxypyr

For the control of noxious weeds in environmentally sensitive areas.

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Eradicate Snail & Slug Bait
Active: 60g/Kg Iron EDTA Complex

Eradicate Snail & Slug Bait contains Iron EDTA complex manufactured in Australia. Eradicate works by interfering with the oxygen carrier so the snails and slugs die from lack of oxygen. The snails and slugs move away from the bait back...

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Merit Turf and Ornamental Insecticide
Active: 200g/L imidacloprid

For the control of first instar larvae of African black beetle, Argentinian scarab and pruinose scarab and the control of billbug larvae in turf situations.

Registered for a wide range of sap sucking insects in ornamental situations.

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Clear up Bio 510 Herbicide

Clear Up Bio 510 Bi-Aquatic is a non selective herbicide containing 510g/L of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of an isopropylamine (IPA) salt.

Clear Up Bio 510 is registered for the control of a wide range of...

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Finesse Selective Miticide
Active: 110g/L Etoxazole

Finesse uses a mite growth regulator and does not kill adult couch mites, but sterilises adult females, prevents egg hatch, and kills larvae and nymphs as they moult, controlling the mite population before it has a chance to establish.

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BlightBan Fungicide
Active: 600g/L Propamocarb

BlightBAN Fungicide, containing 600g/L Propamocarb, is registered for the control of Pythium in a range of turfand ornamental plant applications.

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Quali-Pro Evolution Advanced Fungicide
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 120g/L Azoxystrobin

Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance is a premium broad-spectrum fungicide containing 370 g/L Tebuconazole and 222 g/L Azoxystrobin. Building on the strength of the original Quali-Pro® Evolution (200g/L Tebuconazole + 120g/L Azoxystrobin),...

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Proforce Regulate 200SC Plant Growth Regular (PGR) 2.5L
Active: 200g/L paclobutrazol

ProForce Regulate 200SC PGR is a plant growth regulator containing 200g/L of the active ingredient paclobutrazol. It is registered for the suppression of Poa annua (wintergrass) and growth regulation in turfgrass. Is in the form of a suspension...

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Edict Fungicide 100mL
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 100g/L Trifoxystrobin

Edict Disease Control is fungicide for use on Lawns, Azaleas, Roses, other general ornamental gardenplants. Edict Disease Control provides systemic andcontact disease control, both on a preventative andcurative basis. Edict controls Anthracnose,...

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Edict Duo Fungicide 1L
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 100g/L Trifloxystrobin

Edict Duo is a broad spectrum fungicide containing the active ingredients Trifloxystrobin (100g/L) and Tebuconazole (200g/L). It is registered for the control of Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Winter Fusarium, Helminthosporium diseases (including...

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Showing 135 - 150 of 157 items
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