Nuturf Equipment Solutions provides a diverse range of landscaping equipment and turf machinery to help you get the job done right... Read More
Groundsman TMC26 Pedestrian Turf Multi-Cutter 2WD
The Groundsman TMC26 is a Pedestrian Turf Multi-Cutter 2WD is designed for landscapers, contractors and hire shops but it has the cut quality to work in fine sports turf as well.
Groundsman TMC46 Pedestrian Turf Multi-cutter 4WD
The Groundsman TMC46 Pedestrian Turf Multi-cutter 4WD is right at the leading edge of turf cutting technology and supercedes Groundsman's highly successful model TCDRB34.
Groundsman TMC48 Pedestrian Turf Multi-cutter 4WD
The Groundsman TMC48 Pedestrian Turf Multi-Cutter 4WD is the same machine as the TMC46 but with a heavier more powerful engine and drive clutch. The larger engine makes the TMC48 slightly less compact and a little heavier than the TMC46...
Groundsman 345HD Pedestrian Heavy Duty Turf Aerator
The Groundsman 345HD Pedestrian Heavy Duty Turf Aerator uses the same heavy duty aeration mechanism as the Groundsman tractor mounting aerators enabling it to work on all surfaces and conditions from sports turf to estates and gardens...
Groundsman 460HD Pedestrian Heavy Duty Turf Aerator
The Groundsman 460HD Pedestrian Heavy Duty Turf Aerator is a wider version of the 345HD, it has four heavy duty crank-arms in the aeration mechanism giving an operating width of 60 cm (24").
Groundsman 8120CTM Tractor Mounted Turf Aerator
The Groundsman 8120CTM Tractor Mounted Turf Aerator is a simple and compact aerator with a fast and silent aeration mechanism with working depths down to 15cm (6"). This 1.2m (48") swath model can aerate up to 2400 square metres per...
Groundsman 12180TM Tractor Mounted Turf Aerator
The Groundsman 12180TM Tractor Mounted Turf Aerator is a simple and compact aerator with a fast and silent aeration mechanism with working depths down to 15cm (6"). This 1.8m (60") swath mode can aerate up to 4500 square metres per hour and...
Redexim Verti-Rake PRO 200
The Verti-Rake 200 de-compacts the turf surface using thin spring-loaded and flexible tines.
Scott Bonnar Scarifier with Straight TCT Blades
Renovates and rejuvenates greens by thinning dense turf and spongy thatch. Developed to promote healthy turf by preventing thatch build-up. Its slicing and thinning action permits deep unhindered penetration of water, air and fertiliser to...
Redexim Verti-Rake PRO 300
The Verti-Rake de-compacts the turf surface using thin spring-loaded and flexible tines.
Scott Bonnar Scarifier with Saw Type Blades
Renovates and rejuvenates greens by thinning dense turf and spongy thatch. Developed to promote healthy turf by preventing thatch build-up. Its slicing and thinning action permits deep unhindered penetration of water, air and fertiliser to...
Smoothcut Mower 24"
Self propelled petrol mower 24" comes with choice of metal or fibre glass catcher.
Smoothcut Mower 30"
Self propelled petrol mower 30" comes with choice of metal or fibre glass catcher.
Smoothlap Backlapper
Smoothlap Backlapper (OH&S compliant), single phase electric, keeps your mowers razor sharp and 100% efficient between services.