Find a Nuturf or Equipment Solutions Representative
Our a national network of qualified sales specialists and consultants have a background in horticulture and greenkeeping so you can rest assured that you will be supported by a wealth of industry experience. Get in touch with one of our Territory Managers below for any commercial or trade-related support. We offer advice, solutions and support in plant nutrition, plant protection, soil agronomy and biology to help turf professionals to get the most out of their surfaces.
New South Wales

Craig Paget

Nathan Bradbury

Phil Beal

Scott McLaurin

Chris Neal

Ryan Buttel

Gavan Hegan

Nathan Andrews

Mick Grant

Rod Ferry

Dean Henderson

Andrew Smith

Justin Kelly

Brock Agnew

Andrew Kinnear
SA, NT & International Export

Luke Partridge

Gavan Hegan
Western Australia

Aaron Petrovski

Simon Bourne

Luke Furness