It is Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass’s (RPR) regenerating ability that separates it from traditional perennial ryegrasses. RPR plants develop pseudo-stolons, which allow them to regenerate in all compass directions post-race. It has superior wear tolerance and has proven to withstand divoting, whilst self-repairing. RPR is dark green, with dense fine tillering that makes your track not only wear better but also more visually appealing.

RPR is the first perennial ryegrass having the specific characteristic of spreading horizontally via determinate stolons. This characteristic makes RPR many times stronger than other types of perennial ryegrass, while also growing at the same rate. The result is, a regenerating perennial rygrass with the highest wear tolerance, perfect for use in sports pitches e.g. Blundstone Stadium Tasmania.

Determinate stolons

Determinate stolons RPR spreads horizontally by creating a natural network of determinate stolons that form a kind of netting in the sward, making for the best possible wear tolerance. Instead of individual grass plants, as in the case of traditional perennial ryegrass, each RPR grass plant is linked to other plants and to the soil. There is much less risk of the grass of sports pitches being kicked up or otherwise damaged because it is held in place on all sides, even during the most intensive use. So however intensive the circumstances of a football match or golf tournament may be, the dense sward will remain intact for longer.

Key features of Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass (RPR)
  • Density and superior horse traffic tolerance – reduced divoting and improved track performance with reduced labour for divoting
  • Determinant stolons – patented stolon technology that can do things other grasses cannot
  • Colour and cutability – dark green colour and clean cutting ability of RPR is very appealing for both racegoers and TV events
Key benefits of Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass (RPR)
  • Oustanding wear tolerance allows for longer hours of use
  • Ideally suited for cricket wickets and golf tees with recovery post games
  • Makes your field look and play better
  • Less worn out areas meaning less overseeding costs
Agronomy and management

RPR is the first type of grass to combine strength and speed, so all the benefits of the grass mixture can be enjoyed at the same time. The grass germinates very quickly and is ready for intensive use as soon as it has created a dense sward. RPR management is similar to other conventional ryegrasses and is well suited to all temperate and subtropical states of Australia. The ability of the ryegrass to recover and handle wear the older it gets makes it suitable for long term turf surfaces and summer cricket events with irrigation.


Seed can be drilled or broadcast ideally at 5mm and no more than 1cm deep. Seed to soil contact is important especially when oversowing into bermudagrass during active warm season growth. The use of a growth regulator is recommended in this situation. Ensure seed is supplied with adequate irrigation with frequency of cycles during the day dependent on temperature. During the first watering, it is recommended to give seed a good soak to penetrate the seed walls - seed must maintain close contact with wet soil for about 3–5 days to gain a good germination.

Fertiliser / fungicides / insecticides

At sowing an application of a quality starter fertiliser is vital for strong plant and root development. A suitable analysis of 18:10:9 at a rate of 200–240 kg per ha. The application of fungicides and insecticides at planting has been proven to aid in establishment.

Important Note for WA and TAS Orders:

Due to strict quarantine regulations, please contact us to purchase seeds for delivery to WA or TAS.

If you place a seed order to WA or TAS without the required quarantine certificate, your order may be refunded by our Customer Support team.

Brand: Barenbrug
Surface Type:
Racecourses, Sportsfields, Golf Tees
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

