Lexicon® Intrinsic® Brand Fungicide is an effective, broad-spectrum turf fungicide that provides the ultimate protection for your turf. This innovative new fungicide and its powerful dual chemistry combination deliver best-in-class disease control with advanced plant health benefits. Lexicon Intrinsic Brand Fungicide is the foundation product you can count on for consistent, longer-lasting protection with advanced, proven plant health benefits including increased photosynthesis, stronger roots, improved turf vitality and resilience. Simply put Lexicon Intrinsic Brand Fungicide is the ultimate in turf disease management.

What are the key benefits of Lexicon® Intrinsic® Brand Fungicide?
  • Broad spectrum control of major turf diseases
  • Dual chemistry action
  • Low use rates with uncompromised efficacy
  • Confidently and consistently control disease with a quick knockdown and long residual
  • Advanced plant health benefits including stronger, longer roots, greater growth efficacy, and resilience to stress
How does Lexicon® Intrinsic® Brand Fungicide work?

Lexicon Intrinsic Brand Fungicide is a combination of two unique chemistries. These two chemistries provide optimal protection from key turf diseases. They also deliver plant health benefits that help your turf rebound faster from stressors. Most fungicides on the market provide either quick knockdown or long residual. Lexicon Intrinsic Brand Fungicide provides both benefits. In addition to being tightly bound to the waxy leaf surface, making it rainfast, this innovative fungicide is redistributed to areas of the leaf that are not directly sprayed. Its unique molecular design lets it enter the transpiration stream and travel systemically within the leaf. This redistribution, along with its high level of activity, ensures long-lasting preventive and curative effects from Lexicon Intrinsic Brand Fungicide, resulting in reliable, more consistent disease control.

Brand: BASF
Preventative, Curative
Formulation Type:
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
MOA Group:
Group 7 Fungicide, Group 11 Fungicide
Mobility Type:
Product Form:
Broad Spectrum
Disease: Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Curvularia Leaf Spot, Dollar Spot, Fairy Ring, Fusarium Patch, Grey Leaf Spot, Pythium Leaf Blight, Pythium Root Dysfunction, Root Decline, Rust, Spring Dead Spot, Take All Patch, Helminthosporium Disease, Large Patch
Application Rate: 10-15mL per 100m²
Active Ingredient: 167 g/L fluxapyroxad, 333g/L pyraclostrobin
Innovative packaging from BASF for a sustainable future

BASF Professional and Specialty Solutions are committed to sustainability and developing better solutions that will directly benefit industry partners and customers. The development and adoption of eco-packaging technology is an example of this commitment. This innovative packaging solution allows for at least a 20% reduction in plastics*, is more convenient, efficient, user friendly and decreases wastage**.

Eco-packaging is a positive choice for improving safety, efficiency and sustainability. Sustainability is a growing focus of the sports and turf management industry. Environmentally friendly packaging is a key step in reaching sustainability goals as an industry and within local facilities. As such, BASF product packaging is thoughtfully-designed with the following considerations in mind:

  • The large central opening allows pouring without glugging which improves the speed of use, as well as making the eco-packs easy to rinse and empty

  • The flexible handle (5 & 10L packs) is ergonomically shaped and rotates smoothly

  • The gripping surface allows slip-free holding and pouring, decreasing the chance of spillage when using

  • All materials are made from Polyethylene (PE) with a plastic lid, improving recycling capability

  • The lightweight design reduces plastic by a minimum of 20% and makes the package easier to compact after use

  • The integrated seal reduces hazardous waste, makes the package safer and easier to open, and eliminates induction sealing

  • Grooves at defined millilitre intervals with the printed scale on the label make dosage of product convenient and simple

BASF Eco Pack

*when compared to standard industry packaging.
**wastage left in bottles due to inefficient expulsion of product from standard packaging.

australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

