
Discover the ultimate destination for top-quality turf supplies. From professional-grade fertilisers, wetting agents, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and more, Nuturf has your turf covered. Shop from our premium range used by turf management profe... Read More

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0.4% Lo-Biuret Soluble Urea

Lo Biuret Soluble Urea is a high nitrogen soluble urea, ideal for delivering highly plant available nitrogen directly to the plant

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FoliMAX Promote - Turf Growth Promoter
24% N, 5.5% S, 2% Mg, 4% Fe, 1% Mn, 2% Fulvic Acid

FoliMAX Promote is specifically formulated to provide rapid lateral turfgrass growth as well as enhance colour. The unique blend of macro and minor nutrients and hormone growth promoters maximises the development potential of the turfgrass...

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Edict Fungicide 100mL
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 100g/L Trifoxystrobin

Edict Disease Control is fungicide for use on Lawns, Azaleas, Roses, other general ornamental gardenplants. Edict Disease Control provides systemic andcontact disease control, both on a preventative andcurative basis. Edict controls Anthracnose,...

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Edict Duo Fungicide 1L
Active: 200g/L Tebuconazole, 100g/L Trifloxystrobin

Edict Duo is a broad spectrum fungicide containing the active ingredients Trifloxystrobin (100g/L) and Tebuconazole (200g/L). It is registered for the control of Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Winter Fusarium, Helminthosporium diseases (including...

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Conquer 100WG Selective Herbicide
Active: 100g/kg Iodosulfuron-Methyl-Sodium

Conquer 100WG Selective Herbicide contains 100g/kg of the active ingredient Iodosulfuron-methyl sodium and is registered for the controls a variety of broadleaf weeds and grass weeds.

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Hicure Biostimulant
A liquid plant biostimulant based on amino acids and peptides

HICURE® is a highly concentrated HICURE® is a highly concentrated biostimulant for the turf grass industry consisting of amino acids and peptides. HICURE® supports natural processes within the plant, as well as enhancing plant performance...

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Apparent White Foam Marker 5L

Apparent White Foam Marker is a highly concentrated marking foam designed to help farmers and agricultural professionals accurately identify spray swath widths across broadacre applications.

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Showing 147 - 154 of 154 items
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

