MAP Tech Grade (mono-ammonium phosphate) is a highly soluble form of MAP supplying nitrogen and phosphorus to the plant. Ideal for use in turf and other horticultural situations.

MAP (Mono Ammonium Phosphate) Tech Grade supplies ammoniacal nitrogen and phosphorous to plants in a soluble form. It is ideal for use in a wide range of applications but as a fertiliser or soil amendment is useful in helping start turf and plants off with extra P to encourage root development.

It may burn if applied in larger amounts or if used in the heat of the day. Should be dissolved in water and applied as a spray on turf, ornamentals and vegetables.

For use on greens, tees, and other closely mowed turf.

Brand: Amgrow
Product Form:
Analysis: 12% N, 27% P
Application Rate: 0.5-1.5kg per 100m²
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

