FoliMAX Trace+ Turf Fertiliser is a complete liquid trace element package delivering essential micronutrients with Nutrex Delivery Technology which is designed to enhance foliar uptake of liquid nutrition products and optimise internal mobility of the applied nutrients. This vastly improves the efficiency of trace element applications, resulting in minimal nutrient loss and optimum plant response. for optimum foliar uptake. FoliMAX Trace+ contains boron, copper, magnesium, manganese and zinc, supplying the building blocks for healthy turf.

The FoliMAX Trace+ guaranteed minimum analysis:
  • Boron (B): 0.24%
  • Copper (Cu): 0.06%
  • Magnesium (Mg): 0.06%
  • Manganese (Mn): 1.08%
  • Zinc (Zn): 5.7%
The FoliMAX Trace+ product characteristics:
  • pH: <7
  • Specific Gravity: 1.0
  • Appearance: Clear blue/green liquid
  • Solubility: Completely soluble
The key advantages of Nutrex™ Delivery Technology
  • Enhanced uptake and nutrient delivery to the plant’s vascular system.
  • Integrated surfactant package for optimised surface spreading, further enhancing foliar uptake.
  • Natural humectants within the formulation prolong drying time on the leaf to extend the uptake window.
  • Improves internal mobility of applied nutrients, getting the nutrient to where it needs to be faster, and with less expense of energy to the plant.
  • Provides a source of energy to the plant as the carbohydrate is metabolised internally.
Trace elements in turf

Like all plants turfgrasses require access to a particular group of elements in varying amounts to survive and remain healthy and vigorous. Micronutrients or trace elements are typically required in small volumes relative to macronutrients such as oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Although the quantities of trace elements required for plant growth are small, they are all essential in maintaining quality turf surfaces. Sandy soils are generally much more prone to trace element deficiencies, therefore requiring nutritional input through liquid or granular fertiliser.

Trace element deficiencies are often related to soil pH. Deficiencies of manganese, zinc and copper can be induced by high pH soil, or excessive soil phosphorus. When the cause for a nutrient deficiency is related to the soil condition the best avenue of nutrient delivery is often through foliar application. The delivery of nutrients through turfgrass foliage can be achieved efficiently provided the product selection and application method are correct. FoliMAX Trace + harnesses a unique delivery catalyst to ensure efficient uptake and translocation of foliar applied trace elements.

Trace element Deficiency symptom
Manganese Chlorosis of young leaves and spotting of older leaves.
Iron Chlorosis between leaf veins and ultimately total chlorosis.
Zinc Leaves become yellow, stunted and tightly packed.
Copper Dieback of stems, stunted growth and chlorosis.
Molybdenum Pale yellow foliage, bleaching and withering of leaves.
Boron Slow growth with pale green blade tips.
Chlorine Stunted growth and yellowing.
Silica Reduced structural integrity, susceptible to disease.
Nutrex™ Delivery Technology

FoliMAX Trace+ utilises Nutrex™ Delivery Technology which is designed to enhance foliar uptake of liquid nutrition products and optimise internal mobility of the applied nutrients. This vastly improves the efficiency of trace element applications, resulting in minimal nutrient loss and optimum plant response.

Trace elements applied to the foliage in raw form are often not absorbed efficiently by the plant leaf, and may take an extensive period of time to move into plant tissue. This can result in significant environmental losses of applied nutrient, and poor post application response from the plant. Nutrex™ Delivery technology works by complexing the relevant nutrient with a plant-derived carbohydrate. The carbohydrate molecule is recognised by the plant as a desirable compound and is efficiently taken into the leaf and mobilised throughout the plant’s vascular system.

Brand: FoliMAX
Australian Made:
Product Form:
Analysis: 0.24% B, 0.06% Cu, 0.6% Mg, 1.08% Mn, 5.69% Zn
Application Rate: 100-200mL per 100m²
What are the benefits of the FoliMAX range?
  • Turf specific fertiliser, researched and developed purely for turf purposes.
  • Contains SRN-IQ technology for improved plant utilisation and prolonged plant growth.
  • Utilises Nutrex Delivery Technology designed to enhance foliar uptake.
  • Excellent tank mix versatility. Highly compatible with many other fertilisers and chemicals.
  • Very low risk of phytotoxicity due to its low salt index, even on immature turf.
  • Excellent flexibility in application rates, allowing you to better optimise your nutrition program.
  • Non-corrosive formulation. Will not damage spray equipment.
What is SRN-IQ technology and what does it do?

The SRN-IQ Nitrogen technology is a true liquid, clear urea-formaldehyde solution which has an oily, resinous quality. The SRN-IQ Nitrogen technology has a linear molecular structure, which allows it to be more compact than other slow release nitrogen technologies, and therefore provides it with significantly improved foliar uptake capabilities.

  • Rapid plant uptake
  • Slow release nitrogen
  • Enhanced soil activity
What is NutrexTM Delivery Technology and how does it work?

Nutrex™ Delivery Technology is a novel technology designed to enhance foliar uptake of liquid nutrition products and optimise internal mobility of the applied nutrient. This vastly improves the efficiency of applications of fertilizer formulations containing the Nutrex™ Delivery Technology, resulting in minimal nutrient loss and optimum plant response.

  • Enhanced uptake and nutrient delivery to the plant’s vascular system.
  • Integrated surfactant package for optimised surface spreading, further enhancing foliar uptake.
  • Natural humectants within the formulation prolong drying time on the leaf to extend the uptake window.
  • Improves internal mobility of applied nutrients, getting the nutrient to where it needs to be faster, and with less expense of energy to the plant.
  • Provides a source of energy to the plant as the carbohydrate is metabolised internally.
australian agribusiness

Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958

